Part 1

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"Come on Y/N wake up! school starts in 40 min and we need to pick up robin!"
I feel Steve slightly shaking me to wake me up, he has become my personal alarm clock at this point. I slowly open my eyes and meet my brothers stressed face right above me with his hands on my shoulders. "finally, now hurry. Robin is waiting for us and YES you are going to school today."

I sit up in my bed and close my mouth as soon as I heard him say that. When I get the strong sunlight right in my face I glare at Steve and say "come on Steve, I'm 18 I can wake up on my own." As I get out of my bed.

Steve looks at me and rolls his eyes. "clearly not. I know you'll skip if I don't wake you up and give you a ride." After saying that he starts walking out of my room and down to the kitchen.

After closing my door after Steve I put on a Queen t-shirt I found on the floor and then my classic black ripped jeans with a jacket that used to be Steve's a few years ago. I then grab my skateboard that was leaning against my drawers and start walking towards the bathroom.

Since I happen to have the same genes as the Steve the hair Harrington, I have just as thick hair as him and have to fix it in the morning to not look too crazy. After fixing my hair for about 5 minutes I quickly take off my shirt and grab the bandage on the sink in front of me and quickly bind my chest to look as flat as possible. I try not to bind too hard so I don't hurt myself and then I quickly brush my teeth.

While walking down the stairs after brushing my teeth and getting ready I meet Steve in the hallway. "can you breathe properly?" He asks while looking at me, and I just simply answer with "yes I can breathe Steve.". He then looks at me and starts walking outside to his car and starts talking again "Look I understand how uncomfortable you are, I just don't want you to hurt yourself, okay?". I nod and get in the back of his car, so robin can sit in the front, and say "I know Steve, thank you".

After a few minutes of driving we finally pick up Robin at her place and start heading towards Hawkins high school. "Hey robin" both me and Steve say in sync when she puts on her seatbelt. "finally Y/N is with us!! Now I don't have to listen to this sad mans love life alone" Robin says and smiles at me. I start laughing and Steve starts to defend himself "It's not sad! I just don't want to have a relationship that is all about sex!" I stop laughing at them and say "wow I get what you mean Robin". Robin looks back at me and laughs "see! Y/N gets it!".

I look out of the window meanwhile Robin and Steve discusses if Vickie from band is gay or not and I completely stop listening. I look at the houses we pass and when we finally arrive at school I hear Steve calling my name. "Y/N" I turn around and look at him in the front seat with a confused look. "have a good day at school" I smile confused and reply with "thanks mom" and get out of the car together with my skateboard in my right hand.
I put down the skateboard on the ground and start rolling towards the entrance doors of the school.

I stand on my skateboard while rolling down the hallway towards my locker and stop when I get to it. I open my locker and switch my skateboard for my schoolbooks quickly and walk away towards my math classroom. While walking I think to myself that this is totally gonna suck and that I would so much rather be home sleeping right now.


Finally after having my first 3 classes of the day, I'm walking towards the cafeteria. I feel my hunger building up inside my stomach. I reach the cafeteria, pay for my lunch and sit down next to Robin who was here a bit earlier than me. "The lunch gets more and more disturbing every week" I say while picking at my food. "Yeah totally" I hear Robin reply with while having food in her mouth. I look up at her and start laughing, soon robin joins in laughing as well.
I look over at the hellfire clubs table and see Dustin waving hi to me, A smile forms on my face and I wave back.

10 minutes passes and Robin stands up from her seat "sorry Y/N I have to go now, my class starts soon" I smile at her and say goodbye.
I've known Robin since Steve started working at Scoops Ahoy, she's a great friend and almost like a sister in a way.
I get back to eating my lunch and when I'm finished I walk out of the cafeteria. The corridors were filled with lockers on both sides and a fee students talking go each other. I stop for a few seconds to start my walkman and put on my headphones and then I keep walking towards the exit.

The air was fresh and nice outside and it wasn't too cold so I didn't need to close my jacket. I start walking towards the bench in the woods and drum my fingers together to the music in my ears. I was listening to Electric Funeral by Black Sabbath, It was thanks to Eddie from the hellfire club that made me start listening to more music.
I continued to drum to the music but on the bench table but stopped when I heard a few sticks crack behind me. I quickly turn around to see who it was and saw a smiling Eddie Munson standing next to a big tree.

"Hey mini Harrington" he says with a smile and sits down in front of me. I roll my eyes and reply with "hey freak" and smile at him.

A/N okay so this is the first part of this story, I hope it's not too bad. I know its not the best but I tried my best and I will definitely re read this soon and I will probably fix it if its un readable haha

Lovers lake - Eddie Munson X trans masc readerWhere stories live. Discover now