"Oh no... Don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be dead, don't be–"

Aang's eyes open and his mouth lets out an audible gasp with occasional loud coughs to follow.

Katara closes her eyes and lets out a breath of relief as she wraps an arm around his shoulders and pulls Aang close, gently rubbing his arm. "Thank the Spirits! I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry!" She sobs.

The Avatar groans in agony. "Why– Why are you apologising?"

Katara sniffs. "Because– because I–"

Aang lets out a low chuckle, even in this agonizing moment, he desires to smile because he wished to see the girl he loves be happy... Even if he can't be there to see it anytime again following this moment.

A sharp pain travels all over his body. "That... That hurts. A lot, eh." Aang spits blood out of his mouth. "I protected you, though. Ah, but I guess this is the end for me..."

Katara shakes her head in disbelief, refusing to believe his words. "Shut up, you're not going to die. I won't let you." Katara's lip trembles while Aang's eyes commence falling. "Just hold on, h– help is probably on its way."

"It'd be too late." He whispers. "You see Katara, there's something I've been searching for all this time. What it is that I'm capable of, what it is that I'm supposed to do... But now that I've met you here, I finally get it."

"Don't say it, Aang. Please." Her voice was low and weak.

Aang hisses at the unbearable feeling on his back. "Right now, if there's something I want to do and if I have what it takes to do it... Well, that's what I'm supposed to do."

"What you're supposed to do...?"

Aang nods. "I want to be there for you, Princess."

Katara cries and shakes her head. "How are you going to be there for me if you die?"

"In your heart." Aang's eyes fight to remain open. "No matter where you are... I'll always be there for you because I..."

"Aang! Katara! I'm here, Suki called me! What happened?! What's going on?!" Sokka's shouts echoed from down the hallway with Suki and other guards running by his side.

Katara undergoes relief to hear Sokka's voice and was close to screaming his name when Aang's hand halted her.

"...Remember when I had something to tell you before Sokka called me?" His voice became raspy and rough which hurts the princess to hear his pain.

Katara slowly nods and remains still while Aang's hand travels to her forehead with a weak smile on his lips.

A low bright light appears and both Katara and Aang's eyes glow for just a brief moment, the world disappearing around them. In that moment of silence, the two lovers remained still and took in each other's presence.

"Are those real Air Nomad tattoos?" She asks.

A faint grin appears on Aang's face, "Yeah, I got them when I was twelve."

"Twelve?! You must be pretty good to master airbending at a young age."

Aang blushes, "Yeah I get that a lot, some people would assume because I'm the Avatar it's easy for me to master all elements."

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