Birthday Intervention

Comenzar desde el principio

You sighed and composed yourself. "Bye, uh...what is your name?"

"Gojo, but you can call me Satoru."

"No, I'll just call you Gojo. It's easier." You walked into your house and shut the door. You threw your bag of sweets on your table and plopped down in a seat. You let out another sigh signaling that you were out of energy and done with dealing with other people for the day.

You tilted your head thinking to yourself about today's recent events. "Well now that I'm thinking about it, he's so irritating, but when I turned around, he didn't look too bad." You said and then walked to your fridge and opened up a bottle of water. You put it to your mouth and drank some of it but it temperature. "What? Is my fridge broken? I thought I put this in here 3 hours ago!"

"Ah no, uhm I drank the one you put in the fridge three hours ago and then I put a new one in a few seconds ago."

Your body jolted up in fear. "AHH WHAT THE-

He interrupted you. "Hey watch the language lady!"


Gojo laughed at you. "This is a robbery." He let out a chuckle at his horrible joke. "Nah, I was just bored so I decided to stop by."

Oh how his words made you cringe. "How'd you get in here??"

"Oh, you have a spare key under that fake rock in your garden in the backyard." He pointed behind him towards your sliding doors that led to your backyard. "You need to find a better hiding spot Miss."

"I'm gonna call the cops on you!" You picked up your phone as you threatened him.

"What!!? Why we're friends aren't we?"

"I just met you like 40 minutes ago!"

"Aww but I'm not gonna hurt you." In a flash, he was in front of your face. His face was so close to yours that it made your breath hitch. "If I wanted to do that you would've already been dead." He then tilted his head and smiled at you. It sent shivers down your spine.

"H- How'd you do that?" You pointed at him in disbelief.

"I told you I was a sorcerer didn't I?"

"You know what? Fine, you can stay here for a little I guess." You threw your hands up in defeat. "I don't have the energy to deal with you anymore."

"Aww look at you! Being so courteous and acting like a host." He bowed in front of you. "Thank you for allowing me to be in your humble home."

"You BROKE into my humble home thank you very much." You said with emphasis.

He threw a dorayaki into his mouth. "Tomato tomato." He spoke in a careless tone as he fell back into one of your seats at the kitchen table.

You got up to get some yogurt out of your fridge, attempting to cool off from the situation.

"So, what should we talk about?" He asked you.

Shit, I'm actually really bad at talking to new people. I talked to him easily earlier because I was angry. You thought to yourself.

" has your day been so far..?" You asked with some hesitance. The fridge door was open so it hid your face from him. You were thankful because you had no idea what to say to him at the moment.

"Ahh small talk, I see. My day has been going well, my students have been learning a lot lately and I'm seeing good progress."

He's a teacher? And he's breaking into houses like this?! "Students? You have students?" You said with prominent concern.

"Well yea of course I do! I'm one of the best teachers out there!"

Cocky much...

His response did pique your interest though. "So uhm, what do you teach?"

"I teach at Jujutsu tech. Are you interested or something?"

You shook your head, even though he couldn't see you. "Uh no just wondering."

"You know, your fridge is losing it's temperature when you keep it open like that. Are you really willing to risk that in order to hide from me?"

How does he know!?

You slowly closed your fridge and looked at him as you laughed nervously. "Eheh I wasn't hiding Gojo."

He smiled. "Yea...sure."

You let out a huff of frustration. He then put two fingers on the table. "Well." He slid you a card with his number on it. "I'm interested in you."

You put your hands up and began to chuckle. "Woah woah woah woah woah! We just met Gojo!"

"Woah there! Ahaha no, I would never ever stoop that low. I'm interested in your potential. That number is so you can call me if you're interested in maybe learning about this kind of stuff."

Did he me..ugly? Too ugly for him?...I mean, I can't be mad he's not wrong. Look at me, I have a temper and the only thing this face can pull is mostly shitty exes.

"You think I could do stuff like you?" You asked him.

"Yea. I wouldn't put it past you. You got that fiery energy you know?"

"Eh, no I'm not cut out for this." You doubted yourself. You were still struggling to believe this was real.

He stood up and picked up the paper. He walked over to you and placed it in your hands. "Take it darling. I'm off! There's this first year named Megumi and I'm sensing that he's probably getting his ass kicked by a curse. So I gotta hurry up and find him before he dies. Maybe I can send pictures of him to the second years. Byee!!" He waved at you and left.

You looked down at the paper in your hand.

Thanks for the dorayaki you angry chihuahua. Here's my number. Call me if you want to try this sorcerer stuff out. I don't have to worry about if you'll call or not though, I know you will.
xxx-xxx-xxxx ~Satoru

"That man is crazy! I would never call him!"

Few and Far Between (Gojo x Fem! Reader) (Slow Burn)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora