Birthday Intervention

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Happy Birthday Y/n! It was your birthday today. It was the month of June. To be honest, you did not have a lot of friends, which didn't bother you that much. You'd rather have a few real friends than 1000 acquaintances.

You turned 19 today, so why not treat yourself? Your two favorite foods in the world, yogurt and dorayaki. You were always stocked up on yogurt but you usually saved dorayaki for special days. It was one of those things you loved but you knew if you had too much of it, you could never look at it the same.

You were walking in town and saw someone selling sweets that obviously caught your eye. You bought yourself some dorayaki and you wanted some Kikifuku but someone just bought the last ones. You were shocked to find out that they bought the whole stock.

WHO HAS THAT KIND OF FREAKING MONEY!? You then let out a groan of frustration and walked off with the rest of the stock of Dorayaki.

You thought to yourself as you were walking. Hmm, maybe I should get myself flowers. A Hydrangea bouquet maybe? You considered yourself a gardener. You had a colorful assortment of flowers and trees in your backyard that you cared for like they were your children.

You reached into your bag and pulled out some dorayaki. You unwrapped it and pulled it out of it's package, bringing it up to your mouth as you were in thought. "I should probably plant some celosia in my garden- GAH!" The tip of your foot hit an elevated area in the pavement as you were focused on eating your dorayaki. It was almost like slow motion as the dorayaki fell from your fingers.

Nooooo! You yelled at yourself in your head. It was disappointing that your precious dorayaki was about to go to waste.s

The dorayaki almost fell to the ground but someone caught it. "Oh, what's this? An almost-fallen dorayaki? It's mine now." He put it into his mouth and smiled. "Mmm that was yummy."

Your eye twitched in annoyance as you stared at the tall man that was standing in front of you. Eating YOUR dorayaki.

Your lips parted as you gazed at him in shock. "Excuse me!!"

His head turned to the voice calling out to him. "Hm?" He brought his hands up to his eyes and looked around as if he couldn't see you.

You crossed your arms and stomped on his foot. "I'm down here dipshit!"

A smirk played across his face as he looked down. "Oh haha, that's where the voice is coming from!" He waved at you and put his hand up to the side of his mouth pretending to yell. "Youuhooo, hello down there! Is there an issue? You are a little feisty there for some reason." He grimaced looking at his now scuffed Peppa steppas.

"You are eating MY dorayaki!"

"Ohh that was yours? How was it yours when it was about to hit the floor? If I let it hit the floor it would've belonged to some ants or something." He said.

Ughh, I was just trying to enjoy my day in some peace. Now I run into an annoying ass dude wearing some weird uniform.

"I was going to buy some kikifuku too but someone bought the whole stock."

"Oh you mean me?"

"What!? You did that?"

He ate one from his pocket. "Yep, I love them so much, mmmm." He said as he munched on it.

"I just wanted some for my birthday since I was going to be alone, now I have to go out and find some more." The frustration was prominent in your tone of voice. You were not someone that had patience, especially for a stranger that decides to eat your food.

"Oh what!? Nah you can just have some of mine." He handed you a bundle of them and watched you as your eyes sparkled.

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

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