She hit a nerve when she said that because it could've been completely true. Bey could've ran to Nicki for comfort and Nicki could've fucked her brains out to ease her pain. If what Kelly was saying was true.

"Get out Kelly. I'm going upstairs, if I come back an yah STILL 'ere I'll throw yah out mi damn self." With that I went back upstairs not letting Kelly utter another word to me.

After a few moments I heard my front door close, leading me to believe that Kelly left. I got back in bed and continued sulking.

After a few hours of just laying in bed, letting tears roll down my face at the thought of my new loneliness, I heard a knock at my door. I really didn't feel like getting up, but I knew it could've been something important.

I head downstairs to open my door and my eyes immediately lit up when I did. It was Bey, she came back."Hi behbey, I missed yah, I missed yah so much." I said only to be met with sad eyes instead of joyful ones. "You just saw me yesterday Rih."

I could hear the substantial amount of hurt in her voice even though she was trying to come across as mad right now."I don' care, come in behbey, yah shouldn't jus stand out 'ere."

She walked in and sat down on a chair adjacent to the couch, avoiding the couch. The same couch which Kelly slept on and Beyoncé probably thinks we slept on.

I sat on the coffee table, which sat me directly in front of Beyoncé. I looked at her, studying her and her beautiful features. I always did this when she was in my view. I noticed her blush and look down.

"Rih, I..I don't know why I came here, but I did. I've been contemplating with my thoughts for hours and I still don't know what to think. I love you and Kelly so much and I know the feeling is mutual. So my main thought was why would either of you do this to me?"

"Was I not enough for you? Did I do something wrong?"

I could cry just hearing her speak. She sounded so broken and hurt. I scooted an inch closer to her to hold her hand. She caressed mine, looking at me for the answer to her question.

"Behbey, look at mi, yah 'ave ta believe mi when I say we didn' do anyting. She was drunk an she was hurt, apparently Nicki told her dat she was fiening fa another gal."

I still didn't know if Kelly was being honest about what she was saying, so I made it a point not to say who. I didn't want to stir the pot, nor did I want Bey running to Nicki about any of this.

"I would never do anyting ta break yah heart or hurt yah. I love yah wit everyting in mi, yah more dan enough. Yah everyting I need an more, there's no wrong yah could do in mi eyes. When I gave you dis ring," I said caressing the hand the it was on.

She was still wearing it

"I mean' everyting I said. None of those things were empty promises. I love yah more than life itself Bey. I would never ever ever do anyting that would jeopardize our relationship."

She searched my eyes looking for the truth. My eyes began flickering from her hazel orbs to her lips and I leaned in closer. She met me half way, smashing her lips on mine. "Do yah forgive mi behbey?"

She responded by reconnecting our lips and kissing me passionately. I broke from the kiss and stood up, pulling her from her seat. I picked her up and I carried her to my bedroom. I laid her down on the bed and stripped her from her clothes, without a second thought I dove right into her soaking wet pussy.

I didn't want to go slow this time. I lifted her legs, gripping her thighs to pull her closer to my hungry mouth. I used the pads of my thumbs to spread her lower lips while I move my tongue from the top of her slit to the bottom.

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