2 - party

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I finish the fruit platter and place it on the table

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I finish the fruit platter and place it on the table. "At least you guys will have a bit of healthy snacks amongst all the others you requested." I scrunch my nose at the junk food surrounding the table, it made my stomach hurt by just glancing at it. Usually, I love junk food, but all this would make your piss pure acid.

The doorbell rings and I look to my brother and his friends. Not giving a damn. I roll my eyes and walk to the door, opening it to find Steve Harrington and Robin Buckley. "You're fucking kidding me, right?"

Steve winks at me. "Nice to see you too, Juliette."

I smile and open the door wider. "It's nice to see you, Robin." Robin enters with a thank you and as Steve enters I close the door on him causing him to almost lose balance and fall down. "Oops! Sorry, i'm such a spazz." He enters scowling and I close and lock the door. I have them follow me to the dining room and where the boys are in the living room. "I made snacks for your guys' little party, just try and not eat so much you contract type two diabetes." I look to them and Steve smiles and rolls his eyes. I feel myself even let out a smile but i stop myself quickly.

I walk into the living room, "If you need me Dusty, i'll be in my room. Wont be able to hear you because i'll be listening to music, so don't try shouting my name." I turn on my heel and walk up the stairs to my bedroom. I plop myself down on my bed and start to untie my converse. I hear a small knock and look up to see the figure of Steve Harrington in my doorway. "Harrington? Do you kids need something?" I pout condescendingly.

He walks in looking around with his hands in his pockets, "Nope, I just wanted to see how Juliette Henderson lives. Y'know my coworker who's favorite color is shit brown or period blood red." He looks to me and I laugh at the comment. "I just wouldn't think you would have playboys?" He asks holding up a playboy magazine from my makeup table.

"When I turned 18, I bought everything I could as an 18 year old," I nod to the naked women that he was looking at in the pages.

He then holds up a scrunchie of mine, "Why is it shaped like this?"

"Why's your hair shaped like that?" I slap my hand over my mouth in shock at my comeback. "I'm sorry, too far. I just word vomit, i'm so sorry."

He smiles and laughs to my surprise. "Is this why you and Robin got along so fast?"

I smile and he sits at the bean bag on the floor next to my tape player. "Maybe." I reply and get up sitting by him. I grab one of my tapes, "Do you like rock music, Harrington?"

A smile comes to his lips as he turns a little to me, "I've never really tried it, i mean Eddie tried to get me into it but...to be totally honest i wasn't paying attention."

I sit criss-cross apple sauce and enter the music into the big player. Rock you like a Hurricane by the scorpions plays and it slightly vibrates the room.  Steve looks at me as we listen and I nod to the music, "Do you like it?" I slightly shout and he shrugged. I rolled my eyes and stood up grabbing some weed from my nightstand to roll it.

"You do drugs?!" Steve asked surprised and I turned to him as if that it was clear that i did.

I laugh, "Are you kidding? Eddie was my dealer in high school." I rolled the blunt and grabbed my lighter, as i'm lighting it I open my window. I blow the smoke out and look to Steve who's eyeing the weed in my hand. I gesture to him, "Do you want a hit?"

Steve's brows created, "Is it dangerous to be high?"

I smile and put my hand out holding the bling as if i'm inspecting it. "Eh, it's relaxing for me but depends on the person. Come here." I motion him toward me where I sit by the window. I don't know why i'm being so nice to him, maybe i'm giving him the benefit of the doubt? Maybe he really has changed and isn't the douche he used to be. He starts to walk to me and with my other hand I grab his chin. He looks into my eyes as I put the blunt to his lips, he inhaled as if it's a cigarette, and I take the blunt away from his mouth and nod at him to exhale. He does so and straight into my face giving me the secondary smoke.

The smoke clears and we're staring at one another again, i realize my hand is still on is chin but he hasn't moved it so I keep it there. "How do you feel pretty boy?" I ask him inspecting his eyes and watching his pupils fluctuate.

"Your right." He smiles and grabs my hand, lifting me up. "Getting high is relaxing and rock," He nods to the player, "Rock music is nice." He twirls me around and I laugh taking another hit of the blunt as we dance to the music filling and vibrating my room. Until we get interrupted.

I hear a knock at my door and quickly rush the smoke out of the window, burn out the blunt, and sit on my bed a good feet away from Steve. "Come in!" I shout at the door.

Eddie walks in. surprised to see Steve sitting in my room with me, "I smelled weed." I gesture to the blunt in the ashtray and he smiles closing the door behind him, grabbing the blunt and sitting by me as Steve is still standing. Steve eyes Eddie and my eyebrows crease looking at Steve. Steve looks out the window at the quiet town. "God. Juliette, you have to give me some of your mixtapes."

I nod, "Yeah! I was showing Harrington some of my music, he says he enjoys it." Eddie looks at Steve and Steve shifts from foot to foot. "What? I mean if looks could kill he would be a dead man. What happened?"

Eddie laughs and raises his eyebrows, taking another hit of the blunt, blowing the smoke out. "I tried showing him Metallica, Ozzie, Iron Maiden, even fucking Black Sabbath. He said it was too dark?" Steve looked as if he turned red, maybe it was the lighting in my room.

I joke, "You just wanted to get in my pants, Steve?" I lay down on my bed with my feet still dangling off. "Eddie pass me the blunt." He puts the blunt in my lips and I breathe in and out. I hear hushed whispers between Eddie and Steve before I hear footsteps out the door. I look up to see Steve sitting in the bed by me. "Do you want some?" I ask the blunt sitting in my lips. He takes the blunt from them and before I blow the smoke out he grabs my jaw.

"Blow the smoke out." His brown eyes are looking in mine and it feels as though my mind just stops working. I blow the smoke out slowly and his lips touch mine. Sparks.

Oh, Baby - Steve HarringtonWhere stories live. Discover now