Chapter 4.5: Amber

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1 year ago

"Tyler, have you seen my car keys around?" I called out to my brother from the entrance, looking around for my keys because another minute late and I would lose happy hour. It's a big deal, trust me.

A second passed and I didn't hear any response. Mamá and Dad were out on vacation so it was just us two at home. "Tyler?" I called out again, this time louder. He probably didn't hear me at all.

Now frowning with a hand on my hip, I walked towards my brother's room, wanting to see what he was up to. I didn't bother knocking, and simply opened the door to his abomination of a room.

"Tyler, I swear if you're doing som- Oh." I interrupted myself as I stood in the room, void of any presence other than mine. He went out? I didn't even notice.

I quickly walked downstairs to see if my car was there and sure enough, it wasn't. That puta. He took my car to god knows where and didn't bother to inform me about it. I was going to give him hell for this.

I grabbed my phone and was about to call him when I saw a pop-up message from Eva, my best friend and Tyler's girlfriend. I clicked on it, my face lighting up for a moment. Sometimes I wholeheartedly believe I love her more than my brother claims he does.

Eva: Can you come over?

Needless to say, although I don't mind hanging out without plans, I was confused by her random message, but could pick up the slight dreadful feeling that was settled low in my stomach.

Me: Sure, but why so sudden? Is everything okay?

Upon not recieving an immediate text back, I ordered an Uber, since I had no other transportation and had to resort to that, and sent her a quick message. If Eva, someone who responds in record time, messages you like that, you know something's wrong. Screw happy hour.

Me: I'll be there in 10.


My knee bounced up and down during every moment that passed in the Uber ride. Or you could simply be overthinking everything and nothing's wrong with Eva.

After reaching her house, I paid the driver what was needed and got out of the car, heading straight for the front porch of her two-story house. I rang the doorbell, wasting no time.

The door opened to a disheveled Eva, with red eyes and a red nose. A sight that would be seen on someone who'd been crying for hours, and Eva seemed to be doing just that. She threw herself around me, a fresh batch of tears falling from her eyes as she began sobbing quietly.

Eva, the bundle of joy, who'd light up someone's day with her smile or obsession with blueberry pastries, was in my embrace, crying her heart out. Seeing her like this truly broke my heart. I had never seen her this much in despair and I was going to kill whoever made her feel this way.

I stood there and comforted her, wrapping my arms around her. "What happened?" I asked softly, in contradiction to how pissed I was inside. She sniffled and pulled away slightly to look at me.

"Tyler broke up with me." 

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