Chapter 4: Ace/Amber

Comenzar desde el principio

He frowned now, almost sounding confused. "Amber, what has she got to do wi-" I grabbed his collar, making him flinch. Yep, I was defitinely overstepping and crazy. 

"You don't get to ask questions, Drew. All I'm saying is, reject her if she asks to be your partner, and we won't have a problem. Clear?" 

He visibly cleared his throat and nodded his head vigorously. Satisfied, I let go of him as I smiled, that grin very friendly

"That's great. I'll see you tomorrow then." I patted him on the back and walked away from there without giving him a chance to say another word. I felt a few stares at me, but I didn't care, I was just heading to the next person to have a chat with.


Telling the girls wasn't a problem. While some of them already had partners, I just had to bribe the other girls by giving them my number, the one I barely use. Those kinds of girls truly lack basic intellect sometimes and are so easy to please. 

Now, all I have to do is sit back and watch my little Pancake make an attempt at getting away from me through every possibility she can find. I'm hoping she still has my number, cause goddamn, she's one of the very few whom I gave my personal number to. 


I left for my house shortly after I talked to everyone I needed to, assuming Amber also left for home. God, it was like my life revolved around her. I shook my head and focused on the road as I pulled up to my house, dreading to go in. Was my father home? I had no clue. 

I killed the ignition and headed inside my house using my spare key, and was greeted by Marianne, our Italian housekeeper, who was smiling at me warmly after leaving the kitchen. 

"William, you're home." She said, coming towards me and pulling my face down to kiss me on my cheek. Marianne has been in my life for as long as I can remember. Even before I lost my mother and sister. She was there for me, playing the role of a mother, a friend, and even on occasion a father.

I smiled and chuckled, my smile clearly reaching my eyes, only for it to falter as I asked her what I had been thinking about. 

"Is he-?" I didn't have to finish the question for her to know what I was talking about. She seemed resigned and shook her head. 

"I'm sorry, Tesoro. He came by briefly but left not long after. He might crash at a friend's." She finished, and I sighed, a mix of disappointment and relief edged in that sigh. 

"It's okay. It's nothing I'm not used to." I said, ready to freshen up before a sweet aroma filled my nose. I turned to face Marianne and raised a brow. "You made something?"

Her face broke into a smile as she nodded. "Yep, I made your favorite, pancakes, since you were asking for it in the morning, but I couldn't make it on time." My heart skipped a beat at the sound of pancakes, which was meant to be completely odd, but I knew exactly what the reason was.

"Pancakes at this time of the hour? Are you okay, Mari?" I asked, amused as my eyes twinkled. 

She fake frowned, keeping her hands on her hips. "I don't care if pancakes are your stupid colazione, if you have a craving, I'll fulfill it any time of the day!" She said, making her point, as I chuckled softly.

I stood in front of her and kissed her forehead. "Thank you, zietta. I'll freshen up and come eat, yeah? We can eat together while watching your favorite Italian soap opera you're always swooning about." I said, with a grin on my face. Her face lit up even more as she started pushing me towards my room.

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