"Don't say anything," he had said. "It's all your fault."

Only a compliment would've come out of my mouth. However, he asked me to keep my mouth zipped so I honored the request.

Sunny was looking just as dashing as his younger brother. Jhanvi's nausea had kicked in at an impeccable time. Sunny thought she was make a disgusted face at his outfit which made check out his face in his camera's selfie mode.

Ashar's stepmom promised she'd take Jhanvi and me shopping for Indian clothes too since we didn't have any to wear to the Gurdwara.

All of us fit in Ashar's baba's SUV. The ride was mostly quiet on the inside because the outside ruckus of the loud horns and overpopulation occupied our minds. I was amazed by the amount of street food vendors present in Amritsar.

If Ashar's baba ate this food, having two heart attacks was possible.

We arrived at the crowded Gurdwara in less than twenty minutes.

"Stick together as a group," Ashar's baba told before we went inside. "This place is not small. I don't want to lose any of you."

"Too late for that," Ashar mumbled low enough for me to hear.

For once, Sunny looked like he was in agreement with his brother. The old couple took the lead showing us the gorgeous architecture and the placement of the golden Gurdwara in the middle of a humongous pool of water. The marble floor was spotless as volunteers were ready to attack any trace of dirt.

We stopped in front of the sarovar (large pool of water) where a few men were bathing along with some women were bathing their children.

Ashar's baba washed his feet and hands and splashed his face with water. His stepmom followed suit. Then, they stepped out to let us do the same.

"This will cleanse your sins," Ashar's stepmom told us before she went to talk to their father.

As Sunny moved forward to step into the water, Jhanvi taunted, "It might take you two life times to cleanse yours."

He raised an eyebrow at her. "Only two? I'll take it. I wonder how many it'll take Ashar."

I glowered at him for dragging Ashar's name. Ashar shoved past him, bumping shoulders on purpose. He didn't look at us though I knew his mind went back to the accident where he had lost his mother.

"It's amazing how low some people can stoop," I told Jhanvi in mock amazement at Sunny. "They have no idea what people around them had to go through."

By that, I was referring to Jhanvi's child dilemma and Ashar raising his sisters by himself. I stepped into the first stair leading into the pool of water just enough for my feet to sink in. Ashar was wiping his face with water.

"Ashar," I said, before splashing my face. When he looked at me, I said, "I hope this cleanses all my sins since the soup dropped."

He scrutinized a little but chuckled when he understood my meaning. Though others hadn't gotten the reference, Ashar knew I was referring to the first day we met when the soup dropped on my shoes.

He stepped out first and then offered me a hand, catching me off guard. I grasped it happily and stepped out while Jhanvi and Sunny washed away their sins.

"I hope God protects you both from the evil eye," Ashar's stepmom told us. Ashar's hand released mine. "Always stay happy like this."

Her tone seemed genuine as she and her husband patted our cheeks and heads. They began walking ahead as Jhanvi and Sunny joined us back.

"She can never cleanse of her sins," Ashar said in disgust at his stepmother's back.

He sulked ahead, probably mentally cursing the woman.

I turned to Jhanvi and hooked an arm with hers. It protected her and me from Sunny whom we ignored with all our might.

All of us stepped into the crowded line headed inside the actual Golden temple situated mid-water. The line moved slowly because of the amount of people waiting for their turn.

When we finally got our turn, I was moving forward with Ashar. His stepmom had pushed me ahead with him to go inside.

I looked at Ashar desperately.

"I don't know what to do," I told him embarrassed.

"Hands together," he said, showing me. "Follow my lead."

Once inside, I mimicked his actions from getting on my knees and touching my forehead on the floor all the way to getting the prashad (religious food offering) and stepped out from the back.

We ate the prashad while waiting for others and listening to the beautiful religious hymns.

I saw some little kids sitting down on the marble floor extending their hands into the water. They were giggling at the bright orange fish that they were scaring away.

"Rosie would've loved this," flew out of my mouth before I could think twice.

He looked at me slightly surprised before checking  over the railing.

"I wanted to bring both Aara and Rosie," he said softly. "But it would've been too complicated. They're too young and innocent for the family issues."

"Maybe they should also meet the rest of the family."

"They have enough emotional baggage."

"How come you protect them without any help from Sunny?" I asked curiously.

"I'll tell you another time," he said, his eyes on the exit where the rest of our group stepped out.

"Promise?" I asked putting my palm forward.

His gaze softly touched mine, causing butterflies in my stomach. I had never realized up until now how easy it was to talk to Ashar. Despite all of my mistreatments towards him in the past, he always forgave me.

May God give him whatever he wished for today.

The corner of his mouth lifted up slightly before he placed his hand flat on top of mine.


* * *


I would've updated sooner but I have been falling asleep after work. Even today. Please forgive any errors or mistakes. It's not edited.

How was the chapter?

How are things cooking? You guys liking more Ashar and Ano?

Any predictions?

Any suggestions?

Thoughts, comments, concerns?

Have you guys been to the Golden Temple?
I think I was 9 the last time I went when we were still in India.

Thank you so so so so much for the votes and comments so far. Please continue haha. I just watch to reach 3k votes. It's super close.


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