Please let it be paperwork

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I woke up the next morning feeling a little uneasy about today. Today Tord and I are going to "hang out." Whatever that means. What does he even do for fun? I shook the nervous thoughts away. I started to get dressed and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. I couldn't get what those girls said out of my mind. Is what they said true? Does he really like me? I really hope they were joking. Maybe he wants to see how I'm doing at work and making sure I'm doing everything right? Or maybe he needs me to fill out paperwork? "Please let it be paperwork." I mumble to myself.

"What about 'paperwork'?" I heard a voice behind me ask. I jump a little and see Edd grabbing a cola from the fridge. "Oh I was just thinking out loud about work." I smile awkwardly. He chuckled and opens the can. I raise an eyebrow at him. "Is that what you're having for breakfast?" I ask as he takes a sip. "Yeah, I always start my day with a can of cola. It always puts me in a good mood." He smiles and takes another swig. I giggle, he's very odd, but in a good way.

I finish my breakfast and grab my coat and keys. "I'm heading off, later!" I wave. Edd waves back from the couch. "Alright, have a good day!" He replies. "You too!" I close the door behind me and head out.

~time skip~

Work was the same as always, a few soldiers coming in for minor scrapes and scratches from their training. I always wondered what they were training for but I was to scared to ask.

The whole time, I was anxiously running through all the different scenarios in my head of what Tord could possibly want to do. I feel a light tap on my shoulder, I jump as it brings me back to reality.

I turn to see Tord standing behind me. My blood runs cold and I stiffen up. "H-hello s-sir!" I curse myself for sounding nervous. He looks at me amused. "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, but everyone has left. Paul and Patryk are waiting to drive us."

Drive us? "They're coming with us?" I ask, a little confused as to why they'd come along, not that I'm complaining. "Yeah? Why? Would you rather it be just us two?" He leans a little closer when he speaks. I immediately start sweating. "No!..... I-I mean, it's ok if they come. I don't mind." He backs away and smiles. "Alright, then let's go." He turns on his heels and starts leaving. I hurriedly grab my things and follow behind him.

Once in the car, Tord grabs a cigar and holds it between his teeth. "You mind?" He asks as he pulls out a lighter. "No sir, is it alright if I open the window a little sir?" I reply. He nods and I roll it down an inch just to let some smoke out.

This is weird. I feel so on edge. What those girls said before isn't helping this situation either. I don't think I can do this. Just as I was about to say some lame excuse as to why I needed to flake out, the car stops. "We're here." Tord says as Paul and Pat get out to open our doors.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2022 ⏰

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