Chapter 7

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"quédate quieto!" Maria said sharply as she applied eyeshadow to Lizzy's face.

"So..." A smile crept onto her face. "Is there any body you are interested in seeing?"

Maria sighed. "I'm going with Chino, a friend of my brother's. But I want someone more exciting, more...more."

Lizzy couldn't help but think of Riff's sarcastic grin and the way his eyes lit up when they spoke.

You won't see me for awhile.

"I understand..." Lizzy whispers after a long pause. "I have no one to go with. Maybe I could go with your brother." Lizzy laughed.

Maria snorted. "He would never got to a dance with a green girl, and besides," a smile tugged on the corners of her mouth. "he's already going with Anita."

"Worth a shot..." Lizzy chuckled as Maria moved on to the other eye. "But there is someone. Someone I need to see tonight."

"What's his name?" Maria asked excitedly, pouncing on the bed they sat on together

"'s sort of secret, but I can tell you about him." Lizzy knew she was blushing.

"Is he cute?" Maria giggled.

"Cute is a weird adjective to describe him...more handsome in a romance novel." Without warning, Lizzy leaned back and spread her arms out on the bed, day dreaming about him. "He's tall and caring and funny too."

Maria didn't even object to this sudden love-dreamy motion. She later back as well. "Do you love him?"

Instead of a nasty retort, which she would have done of Riff was present, she hesitated. "More of a crush, but even that sounds wrong."

"Well let's find out shall we? Maria shifted to her stomach facing the bed.

"Okay..." Lizzy said suspiciously.

"What color is his eyes?" Maria said in a dream-like voice.

"Blue, but sometimes in the light I can see brown near the Iris." Lizzy visualized him beside her, staring into her eyes, cupping her face.

Maria propped herself up with an elbow. "Do you know anything about his family?"

Lizzy thought back to the conversation with Tony-which felt like an entirety ago, then to what Riff had told her about getting Tony to talk. They seemed close, like brothers. But she didn't know for sure.

"The Jets are his family." Lizzy finally decided on saying.

Maria's body stiffened. "The Jets?" Her voice came out hoarse.

Lizzy then realized what she had said, and her body was falling a thousand miles an hour to regret. "Well he isn't with them exactly..."

Maria slid off the bed. "Pot favor, stay clear of the Jets. They are troubled boys, and that is coming from me. But I have seen those boys causing mischief for out streets-"

"Maria." Lizzy silenced her, feeling slightly protective over them. "You don't know them like I do. I've been careful."

Maria sighed. "I trust you. But don't say I didn't warn you." She softened a smile then helped me back into a sitting position, diving right into mascara in silence.

By the time they were finished, Lizzy was dressed the fanciest and looked her bests he had in her entire life. The dress can be found on the image above

Lizzy could help but gawk at herself in the mirror next to Maria, who looked just a a stunning.

Lizzy's dress was an A-line, maroon gown that traveled just below her knees. Maria also let her borrow a golden necklace embroidered with a gold star. Her brunette hair was curled around to shape her face like how Maria put it, a cookie shaper.

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