Chapter 6

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"Elizabeth," A voice whispered.

Lizzy's eyes fluttered, looking into the beautiful features of Riff. They were in the same bed, and their faces were near about.

Butterflies swarmed her stomach, his ocean eyes peering into her dark ones.

"Riff?" She breathed out. "I thought you said I wouldn't see you?"

"But I'm here, aren't I?" He mumbled before leaning in and kissing her.

Surprisingly, his lips were gentle, and she pressed herself into them. However something told her he was holding back.

Lizzy shifted her body so she was sitting on top of him and pecking his lips. Riff accepted her advance and held her back with one hand and other cupping her cheek.

As they parted to breath, Lizzy lifted her night gown from her body, being left solely in her undergarments.

Riff watched her, his delicate eyes memorizing every part of her body. Lizzy slowly leaned down again, this time kissing him with an intensity.

He reached down to lift off his own shirt and Lizzy helped him, liking the idea of taking it slow.

Once he was shirtless, he sat up and looked Lizzy closer to his body, making out on her bed, then down to her neck.

"Riff..." she moaned as quietly as she could manage, lifting her head to look at the ceiling as he kissed every bad thing about her life away.

Then it was all over.

Lizzy woke up instantly, her heart beating as she tried to rethink what just happened. Her eyes snapped to where Riff had been, yet there was no sign of him. And she was still wearing her night gown.

" no." It had been a dream-the type of the dream that would taunt her, make her feel things she kept hidden away. Then why did she want that dream to be true so bad?

Lizzy mussed her hair around and laid back down on her pillow, thinking of his lips on her neck. Subconsciously, she brought a hand to where he had left his lips. Goosebumps traveled down her spine when her skin made contact with her throat.

Trying to push it all away, she looked out to the window. It was still dark out. Maybe she could go back to bed and continue her dream...

No you idiot! Lizzy left her bed and checked the clock on her accent table. It was around 4:30 am, so she peeled off all of her clothing and entered her shower, washing her hair and then curling it.

Although Lizzy had never liked to do her hair on the farm, this was the west side, and a girl could be as fancy as she wanted to be. She brushed her teeth and selected a causal red polka dotted dress.

Perhaps Riff would pay her a visit, and he would be able to see how admirable she looked. Biting her lip, she decided the wear makeup. Even lipstick, despite it being her least favorite.

The whole shenanigan took twenty minutes until she was finally satisfied and left to her kitchen/living room where she made cereal and popped open a glass Coca Cola bottle.

She seated herself at the dining room table near the window, where she looked out it the taller buildings and darkened streets of the morning.

No stars were visible because of all the light pollution, obliging her to miss the farm, where her grandmother would point out all the constellations. Taking a deep breath, Lizzy thought of how they were doing. She missed them terribly, but she couldn't go back.

She had already stayed with them two years more then she should have, and university was calling. The world was calling for her to come experience it. To make friends, to enjoy every moment, and to find love.

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