Chapter 12: Midterm Exam

Start from the beginning

Everything is according as planned. Because of the stunt I did yesterday, my popularity skyrocketed and it'll skyrocket even more if the other side of the card plays as I want it to be.

While putting those thoughts at the back of my head, I looked to my side. There, Rokusaki was still walking limply even though it's been almost 6 days since we did it, and thankfully it's barely noticeable.

I should buy her some of her favorite foods later.

"Hmm? I see, everybody looks pretty confident, huh?" Chabashira-sensei lets out her rare but beautiful smile.

Sensei is really beautiful, huh.

As though reading my thoughts like a book, Rokusaki glared at me.

I slouched on my desk in fear of getting in on one of her sermons later.

"I guess there's no need to put an encouragement speech. Please get one test paper and pass it at the back."

3rd person POV

Gasps of excitement were heard throughout the classroom upon seeing the test questions Kiyotaka gave them was related to the test papers they are going to take.

"Yosh! I can ace this test!!!" Ijuin exclaimed.

"Me too!" Miyamoto, the guy who used to hate Kiyotaka, exclaimed in joy upon seeing his hardwork paying off with also the help of the test questions Kiyotaka gave him.

Eventually, every student of the new Class 1-B has now started answering the midterm test. Of course, despite being confident of passing the test pretty easily thanks to the old test questions Kiyotaka gave them, the fear of misreading and miscalculating the questions still remains.

They knew that if they get too cocky enough, their high school career in ANHS will come to an end.

As almost everyone in the class answers their test papers with confidence and a little bit of anxiety, Matsushita however, had declared a one-sided rivalry against Rokusaki. Rokusaki however, just shrugged it off.

Meanwhile Ijuin: 'As the one and only disciple of Master Shiba Kiyotaka, I, Ijuin Wataru, shall pass and ace every test in order not to embarrass my master's way of teaching!'

As the days pass, Ijuin and Kiyotaka jog and exercise every morning and sometimes he asks Kiyotaka to teach him the lessons he couldn't understand.

And eventually, Ijuin earned Kiyotaka's respect and trust.

After everyone finished the midterm test, they sighed in relief.

"Oh? I thought all of you are pretty confident that all of you would pass this midterm test. What's with the huge sigh of relief for?" Chabashira-sensei asked.

"Well, even though we're confident enough that we'll pass, the anxiety of getting too cocky that will cause us to be expelled from this school is around, so after a massive self control, it felt like a thorn was removed from our foot."

Unbelievably, Ike just answered Chabashira-sensei's question without a trace of sarcasm behind. Heck, even Kiyotaka had his eyes widened in surprise.

He originally thought that he will answer Chabashira-sensei like: "We thought that you finally have a boyfriend, Chabashira-sensei...'

Time skip

The anxiety of the students increased upon hearing Chabashira-sensei said that the results of the exam had came out.

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