"What should we do next?" Caiden asked. "Tug of war?"

"Sure!" Sophia exclaimed. "That'll be fun."

Nash sighed when Chloe also agreed. Her faced glowed from the previous victory and shaking his head, Nash knew he'd join. So together, they all walked over to the tug of war section of games day.

There was a group of students there who were in the middle of a game. Two pairs of boys were versing each other, and soon one team pulled the other team over the middle line and won. They shouted and cheered and Caiden asked to go next, and they were up.

"To make this fairer, I'll join Chloe's team," Caiden said.

"You just want to win." Sophia rolled her eyes.

Caiden grinned sheepishly. "How'd you know."

Sophia narrowed her eyes, but she joined Nash's side. He took the rope first and Sophia stood behind him, and across from them Chloe took the rope and behind her stood Caiden. Nash held the rope tight in his hand, hoping he'd beat Chloe. She was a girl and there was no way he could lose to her in tug or war. Genetics shouldn't allow this.

"Ready?" a professor, Dr. Martin asked. When they all nodded, he shouted, "Go!"

They all began to tug at the rope and for a moment, neither of them moved. It was an even game. With Caiden and Chloe grunting, pulling back and Sophia and Nash doing the same, neither of them moved for a moment. Hope blossomed in Nash that he could maybe beat Chloe. Maybe for the first time in the past year, he'd finally best her and prove he deserved to be first.

But just as soon as hope blossomed, it was crushed because Nash began to slide forward. Slowly, hesitantly, Sophia and Nash slid forward.

"No!" Sophia exclaimed.

Nash yanked the rope harder. There was no way he could lose. Not in tug of war of all things. He began to pull with all his might, desperately hoping to win, to just beat Chloe once, but it was to no avail. Slowly but surely, they were being pulled closer to the other side and Nash cursed. He shouldn't have allowed Caiden to join Chloe – he'd always been the most naturally athletic out of all of them.

And with once final pull, Chloe and Caiden tugged Nash and Sophia over the finish line. Nash's eyes met Chloe's who was biting her lip, her eyebrows furrowed as she pulled one last time and his heart leapt to his throat. And then all of the sudden, Sophia slipped.

She yelped and fell back and Nash went flying forward. He collided with Chloe and the both of them went tumbling down, bodies knocking into each other, and suddenly, Nash was on top of her. His body was pressed against hers, her small body fitting under his perfectly and she gasped. Nash's eyes flew wide, wondering if he hurt her; his hand reached out to touch her. But then when he realized she was stunned, his hand froze before he touched her. And for a moment they stared at each other, faces merely centimeters apart and Nash's heart pounded against his chest. He'd never been so near to another person before.

"Oh, no," Chloe said, flashing a wicked grin. "Looks like I won."

Nash's cheeks heated up. He pushed himself upright, sliding away from Chloe as fast as he could, his heart still racing. He pushed aside thoughts of how close they'd been, desperately wishing to ease his nerves. And focusing on her words, he crossed his arms over his chest, forcing himself to become annoyed.

"I'm so sorry, Nash," Sophia said, rushing to where they sat. Chloe had also pulled herself upright. "I actually feel bad. I lost my footing."

"It's whatever," Nash mumbled, uncaring.

"Are you okay?" Sophia asked Chloe.

From Nash's peripheral vision, Chloe nodded, her eyes full of wonder. He forced his head farther away, trying to be rid of Chloe as much as he could.

"I'm starving," Caiden said, walking to where they all sat now. "Do you guys want to grab lunch?"

"Yes, please," Sophia said, smiling. "I'm starving, too."

"I'm down," Chloe said.

Nash didn't reply. His eyes were glued to the field where hundreds of students loitered the area. They were all doing their own thing, smiling and having fun, and Nash sat there, feeling humiliated, mortified and to his embarrassment, flustered over what had happened.

"What about you, Nash?" Chloe asked. Her voice was soft and gentle, and Nash couldn't help but look to her. "Do you want to grab food with us?"

His eyes locked onto Chloe's and for a moment, he could do nothing but stare. Chloe's eyes were wide, full of hope and he had to yank his eyes away again. Chloe didn't hate him. She didn't seem like she had anything against Nash, and he hated that more than anything. He hated that even though Chloe was his rival, it seemed like she didn't think the same of him and it infuriated him.

"With you?" Nash asked.

Chloe nodded, her eyes growing wider with hope.

"I really rather not," Nash muttered. "Not with you."

The hope vanished from Chloe's expression and now, a look of disappointment was on her face. Nash bolted to his feet and stalked off, tired of being around Chloe and the others. He was tired of everyone.

"Don't mind Nash," Caiden said. "He's just like that."

Nash picked up his pace, angry and annoyed at the world. He hated people, he hated the Elites, he hated this school, but most of all, he hated himself. Why did he have to be so cruel? Why did he care so much?

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