Osane Miku shuffled in her place, suddenly breaking her leveled stare with Y/N. Tsuchigomori sighed,

"And that is why I'm here. I was afraid that a fight may break out, but it turns out it's boiled down to silence. However, that's preferable. Shall we start with what Y/N came to see? The injured Mokke?"

"Oh, yes. Of course." Osane said quickly, happy to lift the atmosphere. The Mokke seemed to fuss at this, and began climbing on top and around Osane to see over the bed with arguments:


"Put your ears down, they're twitching too much!"

"OI! You're tall! Get behind me! NOW!"

Y/N peered over, making sure to stay a good few feet away from Osane. On the bed, a Mokke had a bandage wrapped around its belly. It looked as if it were sleeping soundly.

"Oh thank goodness his snores are getting louder everyday." A familiar Mokke, one with a distinctive one eye, peered over Y/N's shoulder. "That means he's recovering quick. Ey, Y/N, remember me? Do ya?"

Y/N fought not to laugh at the Mokke's  ear poking at her cheek. "One-Eye." She greeted.

Then her happiness faded all too soon. She bent over the bed, careful not to make a sound, and whispered her wishes, half to herself.

"I'm so sorry, little guy... you did nothing to deserve this. I still remember when I had a bandage myself, and you were the ones cheering me up." Y/N gazed at her clean right arm, then at the Mokke's bandaged belly. "I won't ever forget all the things you did to support me in those dark times. So, please, get well soon for all of us. And feel free to place all the hostility you want on me."

"It's not your fault," Tsuchigomori interrupted.

At this, the murmurs of well wishes deadened. The Mokke, Y/N, and teacher all stared at Osane.

The brunette looked down at her feet, as if the ground could swallow her whole. Then she breathed in and shook her head, finally meeting Y/N's harsh stare again.

"He's right. It's all my fault." Osane said. "I'm the one who caused all this. So please... let me help you out of it..."

"Why should I trust you?" Y/N backed away, feeling as vulnerable as she did when she had first lost her memories. "You 'helped' me when I was alive. You pretended to be my friend!"

"Because if you don't, you'll die!" Osane blurted desperately. "You'll fade from this Wonderly plane, Y/N, and I don't want that!"

Y/N's E/C eyes widened, anger replaced by shock. She turned to Tsuchigomori haplessly.

"She speaks the truth." The teacher said grimly. "Look upon yourself, you're very faded."

Y/N looked down. Hanako himself was translucent, but she was... disappearing. When she stretched her hands she could barely count all fingers, and when she looked down at her feet, there was more floor to see than herself.

"What's happening...?" Y/N backed away, feeling lightheaded. "I thought everything was okay. Why am I like this?"

Tsuchigomori caught her before she could fall, and guided her to a chair the Mokke quickly brought. Y/N sat on it, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"It's because you haven't accomplished your task as a Wonder, Y/N." Osane knelt by her side. The Mokke glared at her, leaving a wide empty circle at the ex-Wonder's feet.

"What's her task?" A Mokke pressed.

"She needs to kill somebody by her own blade." Osane supplied. "But the question is... who dies?"

[Who Dies] T-B Hanako-kun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now