Chapter Three: The Visit

Start from the beginning

“There have been… minor… complications with our plan.” I tried my best not to look embarrassed, but the look on their faces brought a hot blush to warm my cheeks and part of my neck.

“Complications?” Organizer, the blonde, looked confused. “As in?”

I sighed, scratching at the corner of my eye nervously. “A man…”

“Oh God,” whispered Finder. She turned towards Organizer and in a harsh whisper said, “I knew it. She wasn’t ready.”

“I know, she was much too young to leave on her own.” She then turned towards me, and with her eyes narrowed down to slits said louder, “And much too young too understand why.”

“But I’ve made things work.” They both looked disbelievingly at me, waiting for me to explain myself. “He believes that I am trying to stop it. So, all I have to do is make him work with me until I don’t need him anymore. By the time he realizes that I’ve been toying with him, it will be too late.”

“And you’re going to drive him half way around the world to North Korea with you when you release the nuclear bombs?”

“I need some one’s identity to get into the labs.”

“Fool!” Organizer’s face was bright red and her nostrils flared. “He won’t believe you. Alexis, we can’t let this happen!” Organizer stomped around

“Beatrix, calm down. The child knows what she is doing. Don’t you remember what she has done so far? She is bright.” She paused then turned to me. “But be careful. Never let your guard down. Men have the power to brazenly beguile.”

“Trust me. Org- Bea, please. Trust me.” I licked my lips. I may have been the one to create this plan, but my age set me back from the other women.

“How are things going with the plan? Have you communicated with Japan and Germany?” Organizer asked calmly, her eyes and mouth set in a poker face. I slumped back my shoulders in relief.

“No, I haven’t been able to. I’ve been trying to find ways to detach this guy from myself. He’s like old chewing gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe.”

“I see.”

“But, I’m planning on talking to a few Rogues, like the ones that made my forged papers, you know? They live in Maine, so it’ll be a long trip.”

“What Rogues? The only ones we’ve heard of are the ones here, in Mesa.” Organizer’s eyes narrowed, and her eyebrows furrowed together. “Be careful. I’m not sure we can trust these ‘Rogues’ of yours. How do you know them?”

“Recommendation,” I answered simply.

Finder finally spoke up, her body leaned against the counter that ran the entire length of the right wall. “Yeah, Sweetie. I really just don’t know. I would have heard of them by now. Are you sure it’s Maine, and not some other state? Country, even?”

“They don’t live on the mainland. These Rogues are only known by other Rogues, and keep themselves hidden in a lighthouse. Don’t worry, I got this. From there, I can go back down to New York and fly to Germany, then Japan.

“By the way, what have the guards done?” I changed the subject with a sudden question, one I hadn’t thought of since before I left.

“With what?” Finder looked confused, but Organizer answered right away, overlapping Finder’s question.

“They haven’t done anything. Yet. They think that you will give yourself away before the year ends. But if the year ends and you‘re still haven‘t been spotted and killed, then they begin the huge search. So stop being so smug about not haven’t been caught yet, if you keep this up, then you will.”

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