Chapter Two

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I stood alone amid a sea of unfamiliar faces, feeling like an outsider. Avery and Evelyn had ditched me to mingle with new acquaintances they'd met at school, leaving me to navigate the crowded party on my own. I pushed through the sweaty crowd and made my way outside, seeking refuge on the front porch. Sitting on the steps, I pulled out my phone and texted them, hoping to find out where they had disappeared to.

The front lawn was strewn with red Solo cups, discarded clothing, and other random items. I couldn't understand how people could let their space become such a mess. Nearby, a couple was arguing next to a car. I'd always valued being in a relationship, though not the fighting. My last relationship had started well but deteriorated as college approached. After graduation, we went our separate ways. He was a great guy, but things just didn't work out.

Checking my phone again with no response, I decided I couldn't wait any longer. I began walking back to campus, hoping I wouldn't get lost. The streets were dimly lit, and an unsettling feeling of being watched crept over me. I turned around but saw no one. Shaking off the eerie sensation, I continued my walk.

Arriving back at the dorms, I felt a sense of relief. Inside, I set my phone on my desk and tried to shake off the lingering unease from the walk home. I decided to head to bed, knowing I needed to be fresh for my second day of college.

The next morning, my alarm blared, intensifying the throbbing headache I always got after drinking. I rolled over and shut it off, letting my eyes adjust to the sunlight streaming through the blinds. I got out of bed, feeling more confident than the day before. Choosing a simple tank top and jeans, I straightened my hair and double-checked that I had my books and supplies in my bag.

Leaving the dorm, I joined the flow of students heading to class. As I approached the building, I accidentally bumped into someone.  "Oh, I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, looking up into the eyes of a guy with striking blue eyes. "It's fine," he said with a charming smile before walking past me. I watched him go—a figure in a black leather jacket and dark jeans—before heading inside.

Later, I met up with Avery and Evelyn at our favorite restaurant for lunch. We settled into a booth and started chatting about the previous night's party. "Luna, earth to Luna!" Avery's voice cut through my daydream about the mysterious guy I had ran into. She snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Oh, sorry, I was distracted. What were we talking about?" I asked, trying to refocus.
"We were talking about the party last night," Evelyn reminded me. "Right," I said, remembering.  "We couldn't find you," Avery said. "I went home after nobody responded," I explained. "It was getting late, and I wasn't going to wait around." "Sorry about that," they apologized. "So, what's been on your mind?" Evelyn asked. "This guy I bumped into earlier," I confessed. His blue eyes had been on my mind all day. "He was really something." "Was he hot?" they asked in unison. "Yeah, he was," I said with a smile. "Oooh, Luna, did you get his number?" Evelyn asked eagerly. "Nope," I replied. "You should have," Avery said. "You need to move on from Josh."

Just then, my phone buzzed with a text from my dad, asking for help at home. "Hey guys, I've got to go, my dad needs help" I said, putting my phone back in my purse. I left a $10 bill on the table and slid out of the booth. As I walked out of the restaurant, my phone buzzed again. It was my dad texting to say he no longer needed help. While I was typing a response, I collided with someone again. It was the guy from earlier.
"Oh my gosh, I'm sorry!" I exclaimed, my heart racing. "Seems like we keep running into each other," he said with a smirk. "I really am sorry," I said. "It's fine," he said, starting to walk away.
"What's your name?" I blurted out, seizing the chance my friends had suggested to move on. "Stefan. And you?" he asked. "Luna," I replied.
"Nice to meet you, Luna. Do you live around here?" he asked. "My whole life," I said with a smile. "I've lived here on and off," he told me. "It was nice to meet you. I better get going," I said, preparing to leave. "Since we keep running into each other, how about I give you my number, and we plan a date soon?" Stefan suggested, stepping closer. "Oh, um, sure," I said, taking out my phone and handing it to him. He entered his number and handed it back. "Hope to see you soon," he said with a smirk before walking away.
I stood there, staring at the number he had just given me. I couldn't believe I had agreed to a date with a guy I barely knew, but the excitement of the unexpected encounter lingered as I made my way back to the dorm.

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