Riko and I

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When I got home I stayed in my room. I watched some muse videos and heard my name being called. I opened the front door to see Riko again. "Riko? How did you get my-" Riko cut me off and said "I asked Ruby. I wanted to talk to you." I looked at Riko to notice she had something in her hands. "A notebook?" I asked letting Riko inside. "You called me once. When I was in Tokyo for the piano competition." I wondered why she brought that up. "She had an issue similar to yours. That's why I want to help you. I asked Chika and You if they knew anything." So that's why she has this notebook? I sat down with Riko. "So your basically going to be my therapist?" I said looking at Riko. "I guess so. Chika said you've been spacing out a lot lately. What have you been thinking about?" I guess shes just going to ask me questions. "I noticed that Kanan and Mari have been hanging out a lot but..I feel excluded. When we were walking to school I walked behind them. They said they missed each other but I never heard Mari say "I missed you AND DIA" and that's not even everything." Riko and I ended up talking and doing our homework together. Even if Riko didn't quite understand some things like why I stormed off to the bathroom and student council work.

Me and Riko met up at the beach and walked to school together. "What do you think Mari and Kanan are going to react like when they see that I was hanging out with you?" Riko stopped walking and said "I'm pretty sure they'll feel jealous but don't brag about having me as a friend or else they'll think your just trying to make them angry" I would do that but it would make me seem..I don't know rude? When me and Riko arrived at school Riko told me that I could have lunch with her and Yoshiko so I could open up about this. 

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