Thirty - three.

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"He loved water, he loved baths and pools and anything he could splash around it" she smiled, glancing to the picture

He flicked through a few more, stopping when he seen and unfamiliar woman holding Sam in a picture. She had long black hair and looked older than Kate, her skin somewhat tanned

"Who's this?" He asked

Kate looked at the picture, she hadn't even realised it was in the box "uh, that's adams mother. She wasn't really in his life, . a drinking problem. But uh, she came back when Sam was 1 and she was actually sober and stayed sober, but left when Adam got really bad"

Buck put the stack of pictures on the coffee table, "look, I know you feel like you can't talk about sam sometimes because some of those memories involve Adam, but I love hearing about him Kate. I love the way you talk about him"

Kate wiped a fallen tear, "sorry, still find it hard sometimes"

Buck took Kate's favourite pictures from the pile, he walked over to one of the framed pictures on the wall. Taking out the old picture, he replaced it with that one hanging it back on the wall.

Kate smiled at him "how did I get so lucky to meet you"

"Guess you're just that lucky" he shrugged

"Come here" she opened her arms, buck walked over and hugged her happily

"Mm, you're nice and warm" she hummed

Buck chuckled, he sat down and opened one arm, Kate nuzzled In beside him, feeling the warm coziness of a blanket drape over her body, bucks arm now resting around her

"I love you" she murmured

Kate's phone buzzed on the table, buck handed it to her. She rolled her eyes and opened another message from her ex

"Adam?" He asked

Unknown number -
Kate please, I just want to make amends. I'm sorry, please forgive me.

Kate nodded, she locked her phone and left it on the coffee table. Getting more comfortable her boyfriends arms.

Kate coughed a few times, her chest feeling tight as she did, "I swear to god, I don't know how much more I can take"

"You'll be okay In a couple days" he reassured

"I better" she scoffed,

"You are very grumpy when your are sick" buck said, trying to lighten her mood

Kate glared up at him, he smiled and kissed her forehead "sorry"


Kate stretched as she woke up, she didn't even remember falling asleep. She was watching a movie with Evan, she must have drifted off

Kate noticed the paper on the coffee table

Gone to get some lunch, be back soon. Doors locked.

Kate dropped the paper, she stood and walked over to the fridge, she grabbed a glass of water and drank from it, feeling like she swallowed sand.

a knock on the door took her attention, Kate looked down at her phone. She opened the app, her breath was taken as she saw Adam on the other side. Her phone slipped from her hand

Kate stayed quiet, her hands shaking as she reached for her phone.

"Kate!" He called out, banging on the door "I know you are in there"

𝙁𝙡𝘼𝙈𝙀 // 𝙀𝙑𝘼𝙉 𝘽𝙐𝘾𝙆𝙇𝙀𝙔 Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon