[ Chapter II ]

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" I like scary stories in the morning "
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When Dream woke up, he expected a lot of things. Anything ranging from Sapnap trying to cook him until he woke up while George watched as he made breakfast, to George peacefully reading a book while sitting with him and Sapnap yelled in the background trying to cover for his absence (or even the youngest of the trio trying to set someone or something on fire.)

What he wasn't expecting, was to wake up to silence. Let alone the fact that it was fucking freezing instead of the usual warmth.

What the fuck. Was one of the few coherent thoughts Dream had at the time, beady eyes staring up at a cracked and stained ceiling. Shouldn't George and Sapnap have found him by now?

(Somewhere in a McDonald's close to the hero tower, Nocturnal's head perked up a bit as he took a sip from his coffee. It never helped his ever-constant tiredness, but at least it kept him awake enough for work.

"I feel as if Dream might be panicking right now." He comments blandly, making eye contact with his other best friend casually.

Spitfire snorted, "psh, what, do you have a Dream emotional sense?" He teased with a light grin, then returned to his coloring page.)

Or he should at least be in an alleyway.

Oh god, Dream couldn't help but think as he sat up. It wasn't as much of a task as it used to be when he was only just growing into his powers. He hopes they haven't lost him, or worse yet villains found him-

He swears he's going to fucking kill George and Sapnap once he finds his way out of here, because looking around this is most definitely not somewhere he recognized. He's in a living room, on a pile of what seemed like hand towels and a few really small blankets which were piled up on a table so he wasn't laying on wood.

(Somewhere in a McDonald's near the hero tower, Spitfire puts his hands on the table and stands, a panicked look on his face.

"He's mad. He's pissed." Spitfire says, tone a warning as his eyes scanned around himself and his friend.

Nocturnal tilts his head to the side with an amused smirk. "Who's mad?" He asks, although already knowing the answer.

"Dream. We need to go." Spitfire grabbed his mask, unclipping it so he could bring it around his neck and clip it again. Pulling it up over his nose, he heard Nocturnal sigh.

"What about our lunch?" He whined, though also stood, grabbing his crown from off the table. The gems were shaped like mushrooms.)

The now blob wonders what the fuck his friends were up to- what, the night before? The hero doesn't even know what time it is- that made them too busy to get him before someone found him.

Unless they're at some really shitty hotel, and although he doubts it, he was still mentally praying.


Dream just about jumped out of his fucking skin at the shout, quick footsteps soon following after.

Oh. Well, there goes all of his hopeful thinking down the drain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2022 ⏰

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