Not Feeling Well ch. 6

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(Hy, since I don't know what to do other then drawing, I'll just continue the chapter)

In the morning, mk wake up still in his yesterday clothes and his hugging red? He blush a little then look around, he realize they're at his apartment, He can't remember when they get home or what happen last night

Mk: red, wake up
Red: mm.. What..
Mk: when did we get home?
Red: around 11 maybe..why?
Mk: I can't remember what happen last night that's why, anyway I'm going to the bathroom
Red: Mhm.. *fall asleep again*

Mk get up and went to the bathroom, wash his face then look in the mirror, realizing there's bite mark? Suddenly his face went red and run back to red

Mk: red!
Red: what..?
Mk: w.. What happen last night?
Red: huh? *get up* nothing happen why?
Mk: this is why *show his neck*
Red:*coughing a little* oh, um idk, I was umm pretty drunk last night! Yea, and you are also drunk, I can't really remember anything after we got back home *look away*
Mk: so *red* is this your doing?
Red: well, I don't remember, maybe *blush* I'm sorry..
Mk: it's ok red, anyway I need to get ready now
Red: ok *trying hard to calm down*

As mk went back to the bathroom, red son hair quickly catch on fire as he indeed remember but to scare to tell mk, mk was about to shower but fall on his knees as the pain from before came back, he just scream in pain as red quickly run into the bathroom after hearing him scream in pain

Mk: agh!..
Red: mk what's wrong!?
Mk: it's hurt arg.. *tear start falling from his eyes* agh..
Red:*quickly pick him up and take mk to his room, lay him on the bed as he panic don't know what to do*
Mk:*crying in pain*
Red:*the idea of calling piggy pop in his mind, quickly try to call the pig man but mk stop him* j.. Just stay here I'll go call piggy ok
Mk: n.. No, I'm fine.. Agh..
Red: no you are not..
Mk: b.. Arg....t..they-
Red: I don't care, what's important right now is getting help for you.. *just like that red run to go to pigsy noodle shop*

Pigsy was just minding his own business, tang eating his noodle and mei just arrived at the noodle shop when suddenly red run in to ask for help

Tang: hy mei
Mei: hy Mr. Tang, pigs-
Red: h.. Help!
Tang: woaaa red son!
Pigsy:*quickly came out from the kitchen with wooden spoon* What do you think coming here for
Mei: woah woah woah, um guys calm down-
Red: no no, just listen first, I.. I need help, mk is in pain and i-
Pigsy: help you? Like we gonna believe you try to help-
Mei: what!?
Red: his up stairs in his room crying in pain, I.. I don't what to do
Mei: guys come on, what are you waiting for?!
Tang: mei, how can you believe him!
Mei: no time! Checking on mk first!
Pigsy: fine

As they were walking to mk apartment and enter the place they can hear mk crying in pain

Mk: agh.. Hic.. Red....
Red:*run to the room* hy hy, it's going to be ok.. Your friend are here..
Mei: mk! Oh my god, what's happen..
Pigsy: kid!
Tang:*follow pigsy*
Mk: agh.. It's hurt..
Tang: maybe it's the pain mk talking about.. The one when he get the horn and tail..?
Pigsy:*check the kid* it's going to be ok kid.. We're here.. I'll call sandy to come here ok.. Tang go make some soup for mk!
Tang: ok *leave to go make some soup*
Pigsy: and you two, mei you know about this don't you? Seeing how fast you believe in red son word
Mei: ah hahah- about that.. Mk told me not to tell you guys knowing how you guys going to reached-
Red:*stay silent looking at the boy*

As they start explain, tang and sandy come and give mk the soup while tang bring some tea for the boy, surprised seeing red son was there, about an hour of explaining

Pigsy: so you been living with mk for 8 months?
Red: y.. Yes
Mei: but don't worry! He didn't harm mk
Pigsy: if mei didn't believe in you maybe I already thought of you brainwashing my kid
Tang: I can't believe mk are this stupid
Mei: agree
Red: I kinda already guess you guys going to say that
Pigsy: fine, since this two believe in you, I guess we can give you a chance, but if you hurt mk just a bit, you're a goner
Tang: yea
Red: I would never
Pigsy: good
Sandy: ok everything is settle, now we should worry about mk instead

The pain fade away little, mk waking up look around everyone was worry about him, mk feel bad for making them worry, but on the other hand glad all his friend was here, as Mo rubbing mk face, he guess that everyone on already know about red staying with him

Mk: ha.. Sorry you guys have to find out about red this way..
Pigsy: it's ok kid, you're a stupid kid, yet to kind
Mk: haha.. Mei already told me that..
Tang: get rest now mk, don't force yourself
Sandy: here some tea
Red:*looking at mk worry*
Mei: aaaaaaahh *crying* oh sweet sweet mk, why is it have to be you of all the people!
Mk: thanks guys.. And mei I'm ok.. Just need rest..

Mk quickly fall asleep again, pigsy and tang goes down stairs to close the shop for today, while mei, sandy and mo in the living room, red son stay besides the boy, watching mk peacefully asleep yet still in pain, they all stay there for so long, until it was dark outside, pigsy and tang leave first saying good night to the others, following by mei, sandy and mo, leaving red son cooking dinner for him and mk

Red: mk, get up, the dinner is ready
Mk:*get up the pain is not so painful now* thanks red..
Red: your welcome *as he sit there eat with mk*
Mk: mm! Delicious! This is the best!
Red: hah *pov* adorable
Mk:*finish his food and lay back down looking at red* hy red..
Red: yes?
Mk: can we.. Um.. Hug? *blush*
Red: um sure I guess *slightly blush, as he put away the dishes and go cuddles with mk*
Mk:*hug red tight, it's warm* thank you.. For taking care of me
Red: it's nothing compared to what you did for me..
Mk: still....even my own parents will not do the thing you and the others do for me..
Red: your parents?..

Look away, his voice sound sad, keep hugging the red head

Mk: yea..
Red: wanna talk about it..?
Mk: sure I guess.. So..

*as mk tell a story back when he was still a kid*

Mk still clueless about the world, so pure, innocent, kind and sweet *slap*

Mk mother: you useless child! You're the reason my husband left!!
Mk:*holding his face crying* hic.. I'm sorry mommy..
Mk mom: you stupid worthless child! If only you were never born, I would be living my life now!!! *keep hitting poor mk* (punch me please)
Mk:*crying in pain* mommy it's hurt..! I'm sorry hic hic mommy..
Mk mom: agh! *crying* m.. My baby oh no.. *hug mk* forgive me.. My sweet xiaotion.. My baby..
Mk:*standing there crying*

Everyday are the same, mk mom would hit or punch mk then snap back to reality apologize for what she have done, it's repeat over and over again, until one day there's an accident where mk lost his mother, leaving him all alone, homeless, alone, have no body to cry to, until he met mei, from there on mei become his best friend, mei was like his sister, if other kid bully him mei would chase them away, there's Mr. Tang reading his book when mk got closer to him, asking what he was reading, tang take a look at the kid and told him about monkie king, from there on mk was obsessed with monkie king his idol, changing his name to mk, mei like the name and call him mk from there on

It's the same until he was teen, mk was following tang to his favorite noodle shop to hear more story when pigsy saw him, asking tang who he is, tang told pigsy that mk been following him to hear more story from him, pigsy look at the kid and ask him where's is his parents, mk just stay silent before telling them his don't have one, told them that his father leave him and his mother, then his mother die to an accident, the pig guy felt sorry for the kid and offer to stay with him which got reject by mk since he don't want to be a burden to anyone

Pigsy think of a way to make the kid stay without making him think his a burden to him, mk was 16 at the time, with no guardian to take care of him, pigsy suggest that the kid can work for him and he can stay in his apartment, mk was beyond happy when he hear that and accept it, pigsy relief that he can look after the kid, and from there mk work for pigsygrowing up from helping in kitchen to becoming delivery boy

Back to the present

Red son can't believe mk went through that since he was a kid, he can't even say anything other then comforting mk, and told him that he have his friend now so forget the past, mk just smile and melt into the warm, still feeling sad but not as much as before, fall asleep in red arm, red son soon fall asleep to

(Wow, this is kinda long, anyway punch me for Hurting the sweet child, hope you enjoy this chapter! Till we meet again in the next chapter! Will red soon confess his feeling to mk? Whose know! I'll make you guys suffer waiting for that, jk, anyway bye!!))

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