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I had this whole plan... I was going to take the picture of me kissing Louis, send it to Harry and pretend like I sent it to the wrong person. I knew that it would make him mad. But that's exactly what I wanted.

I was mad at Harry, and I wanted him to see that. He deserved to know what he did when I found out about the club picture. It was just payback, right? I clicked onto his contact, just about ready to send it to Harry when I got a completely offset text from him himself. 

Harry: Did you kiss Louis?

Sage: What are you even talking about Harry??

Harry: I'm not dumb, It's everywhere. Answer my question

Sage: What do you mean, Harry?

Harry: I don't know what sick joke this is, but I'm coming over right now.

I slap my phone back down onto the bed while leaving him on opened.

I was in the living room when Harry burst through the door to my apartment. "Sage." Harry says blankly. "I need you to tell me the truth." He said. I could tell that he was upset. "Did you kiss Louis-" "Harry-" "No, Sage, I need an answer. Did you, or did you not kiss Louis?"  His voice was cracking. "Harry." "Sage, please..just tell me, is it true?" "I- harry." "Sage, please, I need to know if you did, thats my best friend." Harry was starting to get tears in his eyes. "No Harry, I didn't kiss Louis." I reasure him. I know I'm lying but he seems so hurt, so upset. He starts crying and came up to me and hugged me tightly. "I just- I saw this thing that a fan said about seeing you too. I don't know I guess I just thought-" "Harry, it's okay." I said contemplating everything that happened last night.

He pulled apart slightly to look down at me. "I'm sorry," He whispered. "Harry," I pause. "I'm sorry, I mean it. I should've said this sooner," He sighs. "You don't need to feel sorry," I start feeling the guilt seep into me. My throat swelled up when I even remotely looked at him. Harry deserved better though. He couldn't know what really happened. Not now, at least.

After Harry left I decided to call Louis. "Hey Sage, what's up?" "Hey Louis,  so about last night." "Yeah I actually wanted to talk to you about that too." "Louis." "Wait let me go first. So I know you are mad at Harry and you guys have been fighting, but what you did was messed up." "I know, and what I'm about to tell you isn't going to help but I need you to not tell him what happened." I explained everything that happened.

"Why should I? What you did is messed up, maybe I should tell him," I can hear Louis's wide smirk through the phone. "No, please Lou! I'm begging you not to, I just sorted everything out with him and he was- he wasn't okay. I feel like I'm just hurting him more and more, and I hate it! I don't want to see him in pain, and I definitely don't want to do that anymore. Please... please just keep it quiet. I'll do anything in return," I plead and beg for what feels like eons. "Fine," he decides.

Harry and I have been spending more time with each other lately. We talked it out this time and we decided that we are going to stay quiet about it for a while, well at least until we are ready to anounce it to the fans. Louis has kept his promise. I feel bad, I really do, but I don't want to hurt him. I just got him back, I can't lose him again. And if I tell him that's exactly what will happen, I will hurt him, and lose him. So far Harry and I have been really honest with each other, we are even better than we were before. Even though we haven't "offically" started dating yet, everybody in the band acts like we are, and I guess we do too.

"So, I heard froma little birdy that someone's working on a new album," I grin at Harry. "It's nothing, I only wrote one song," He shrugs cluelessly. "Nothing? It's amazing, Harry. I'd love to hear it sometime," I laugh while going to grab some food in the kitchen. "Really?" He follows after me like a lost puppy. "Really, really," I affirm him, popping pieces of fruit into my mouth. "Well, you could maybe come and listen at the recording studio?" He questions as if he's asking me to do something illgeal. 

"Hey I have to go to the bathroom before we go, I'll be right back." Harry says as he walks over to the bathroom. I looked over and saw that Harry had gotten a notification. It says its from a girl named Julia. Harry has never talked about someone named Julia. Since I have my thumb print on Harry's phone I decided to see what the text was. "Hey Harry, are we still on to hang out and listen to your new songs this weekend. ;)" Why would someone be texting Harry that. He told me that he only had one song and that it wasn't a big deal. Was that why he was being hesitant to bring me to the studio. I put his phone down just as Harry was walking out of the bathroom. "Harry, you got a text" "Oh, um. I wil look at it later." "Harry" "Yeah Sage?" "Who is Julia?"

"What- what do you mean?" he starts to teeter on his feet. "There's a girl named Julia. On. Your. Phone." He looks like he's going to explode with ten emotions at once. "I'm so sorry, I was going to tell you Sage! Please don't overreact, I told her to stop texting like that and-and," He pauses taking a deep breath. "Harry, is she the girl from the club...?" "Please don't be mad, Sage!" "Harry, I'm not. I'm just dissapointed you didn't tell me sooner," I frown quietly.

"Harry. Is there something going on between you too?" I ask nervously "I-" "Harry! If there wasn't you wouldn't have paused!" "Sage-" "No Harry! We were just getting to a better place in our relationship! Or should I call it a fling, because thats what it keeps coming back to!" "Sage we aren't even together yet, I don't know why you are so worried about everything! Do you realize how annoying it gets! Having you want to know everything bout my life, always! God Sage it's like i'm being sufficated!" "We arent together YET. HARRY I've ALWAYS wanted us to be together Harry! I was just waiting for YOU Harry. But you never really cared enough to ask me to be your girlfriend, and I can see that now." "You are right I didn't want us to be fully together, because im still too imature for a serious relationship! I still have soo much of my life to live before I can even start to think about having a serious relationship yet" "Than why did you lead me to think that we were EVER going to be a thing!" "Because I care about you Sage!" "If you cared about me why would you lie to me! You don't lie to the people you love! And because I don't love you anymore you should know that I did  kiss Louis! I did kiss him the night you came over!" I shout. "Sage why?" Harry said sounding disapointed. "What does it matter, we aren't together anymore. Wait, thats right, because according to you we never were, and were never going to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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