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I didn't think this would've ever happened. I didn't think I'd ever end up with Harry Styles and Niall Horan, creating a love triangle of desperation and yearning for one another's love. Some would say it was my fault that the band broke up. That I was the reason so much drama was caused throughout 2014 and 2015 that Zayn had to leave to get some space. I guess it is my fault, because now it's 2017. Harry, Zayn, and Niall have all released at least one album between hiatus and now. Louis, Liam, and I, however, have not. We're like the black sheep of the band.

I went to go get dressed for the day when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked up and opened the door and saw the mailman with a bunch of other people carrying a huge box. When they got it  inside, I was about to open it when One direction jumps out of the box. "Congratulations!" they all said in unison. "What are you doing here?" I asked, obviously startled. " We came to congratulate you on coming out with an album." harry said. "Guys you really didn't have to do that." I said to them. "Yes we did, yoou have practically been one of us for forever." Niall said as he gave me a hug.

I inhaled his Irish Spring 3 in 1 body wash as he brung me into a big, enveloping hug. When I pushed back, Harry stood in the corner, all angry for no reason at all. Had I upset him just now? "Harry... you cut your hair?" I try to distract him. "What's it to you?" He spat out with such venom. "Did i do something wrong?" I try to understand. "No, never. I gotta go," he shakes his head before storming out of my dingy apartment, slamming the almost broken door my landlord still hasn't replaced.

I just sand there looking at the door after Harry left. "Should I go after him?" I question, talking to the boys. "I'm sure he's fine, he must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed." Louis said as he walked over to the kitchen to grab a snack. I just kind of brushed it of, but I couldn't help but feel like I did something wrong that would've upset him.

I followed after Louis, stealing the apple he had in his hand. "Hey, give that back!" He shouts, jumping to try and grasp it out of my reach. "You gotta earn it, shortstack. Start jumping," I tease in a playful manner. "For fucks sake," he mumbles, going to grab another. I go back to the rest of the group when Harry bursts into the room again.

He walk up to me slightly aggressively. "Can I talk to you." Harry whispers in my ear. "Yeah" I say quietly. "In the hallway." He whispers and nudges his head towards the door.  "Oh um, yeah of course." I say and we walk out the door and into the hallway. We stood in the hallway in silence for a few seconds. "Why did you just walk out earlier." I said abruptly. "I mean if I did something wrong just tell me, because honestly I don't know what I did." I confronted him.

"It's hard to explain," he starts off. "Go on, spit it out. We've known each other long enough that we shouldn't have to hide anything from one another," I attempt at comforting him. "Okay, fine. Well, you know how we had that... fling going on for all those years? Well, until that scumbag traitor Niall went and-" "Harry. Stick to the point." "You know what? This is pointless. I dont even know why I asked to talk to you. You surely wouldn't understand," He huffed anxiously. 

"You always do this harry- "Do what, what do I always do what Sage!" He said angrily. "You have always been jealous of Niall, and I honestly don't know why because there is nothing going on between me and him, and you know that Harry!" I say proving my point. "I am not jealous of Niall, It's just anoying because you seem to be the only person that doesn't see that he likes you, Sage." he says a little too loudly.

"No, he doesn't! Per usual, Harry, you're pinning this against me like it's my fault! If he even did like me, I wouldn't ever date him!" I slightly fib. "Don't act like I didn't catch you two almost kissing the other day," He crosses his arms as he continues to act like a stubborn little toddler. "No, I'm done with this! Just admit there was more than just a 'fling' back then!" I storm back into my apartment.

I pass the boys on my way into my room, knowing that they heard everything that harry and I had just said to each other. I lay on my bed starring at my ceiling thinking about conversation that I just had with Harry. There was a knock at my door. "Hey, can I come in, it's Louis." "Yeah, come in." I was holding back the tears that had formed in my eyes.

"Look, I know Harry can be-" "Rude, arrogant, narcissistic?" I grumble, biting my lip down harshly. "Uh, yeah actually. But anyways, to get to the point, he really likes you, Sage. He just has a tendency of being stubborn at admitting things," Louis explains hesitantly. "Thanks, captain obvious. We've known this since the beginning of the band," I roll my eyes. "Hey, I'm just tryna help out here," He shrugs. I roll under the sheets as he sits on my bed, feeling my shoulders sink as I let out a quiet sob. Why does he have to be like this?

It was getting late and I still haven't heard anything from Harry. I regret what happened, the things that we said. I wan't to forgive Harry but I am so tired of taking the blame for the things that I have no controll over. I decide to scroll though instagram and see pictures of Harry and a girl at a club that was taken last summer when he and I were having a "fling" as he would say. I want to text him and say sorry, but I am not the one to blame for this. 

I wanted him to apolgize. I wanted him to say he was sorry. I wasn't dealing with his pathetic excuses and making me think I was in the wrong. Before I even actually realize, my phone is ringing while I push it up to my ear. "What?" His voice seers out. "I need you to say you're sorry and it's not my fault," I demand. "I'm not freaking doing that," he growls. "Just tell me you're sorry!" I plead. "It's late. Go to bed, Sage." "No! Why is it so hard for you to just say that? I shouldn't have to apologize for you!"

"Why do I have to apologize for telling the truth, Sage! I didn't do anything, I simply told you that Niall liked you! I'm sorry If you can't handle that Information, but don't make it seem like I did something wrong!" I can't believe that Harry actually thinks that he didn't do anything wrong. "I saw that picture of you with the girl at a club this summer." I speak calmly into the phone. "Oh! Are you going to yell at me about that now! Sage we weren't together-" "Did it sound like I was yelling Harry!" "Why would you even bring it up then Sage! You were the one acting like there was nothing going on between us!" 

"And you know why, Harry! We never even expected it to go this far, but here we are! And I really like you, so I'm sorry if I'm uspet over the fact that you went to a club with a girl that wasn't me! It upset me, Harry," I sniffle. "It upsets me that you want to keep us a sceret!" he speaks in a larger volume than I. "I just wanted to keep us private and away from all the nosy paparazzi, okay? If you're not going to say sorry, I'm just going to hang up and we can pretend like nothing happened tomorrow like you always do," I spit out bitterly.

"I'm tired of pretending like nothing happens, Sage!" "Harry, you're the one who pretends like nothing happens! You think that I don't want talk things through, I do! I hate when we fight more than you could imagine! Do you realise how toxic we are together! We fight all the time harry! I'm so sick of how we are together!" "Then why don't you just leave! You have another option anyways! Maybe you won't keep him a secret from everybody." He yells before hanging up the phone.

"No don't you dare- oh my god!" I yell out, obviously preturbed by the fact that Harry can't even talk with me like an adult. "Are you okay?" Louis asks, walking in again. And then, an idea sparks in my head. It was so awfully messy and cringe-worthy, but I knew it would make Harry's blood boil the minute he saw it.  "Will you do me a favor, Lou?" I smile smugly. "Sure?" God, I'm sorry Louis. "I was wondering if we could take a picture maybe?" I say. "What? But- weren't you just- fine," he mumbles to himself, disturbed by the fact that I was acting fine. I set up my phone in a certain spot, then standing next to him. "What do you want me to do?" He stood awkwardly. I tell him to stay the way he is. When the timer hits one, I grasp his face and kiss him. What am I even doing?

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