~ Queens And Dancing Goddesses ~

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Chapter 29

Sa Jerg's POV:
"The Oreoqueen has arrived!" I shouted and made a llama face. The other in the cafeteria looked at me weirdly. I laughed and sat down beside Xiumin. He smiled and laughed. My stomach got this weird feeling, that I can't describe.
"What is Xiumin then? Oreo king?" Na Jea smirked and winked. I blushed and looked at Xiumin, who laughed and smiled.
"Yes! If the queen wants!" Xiumin said and laughed. Na Jea and Id Leey looked at each other and soon, they were both rolling on the floor of laughter. Lay came and smiled, but his smile faded when he saw the two girls rolling on the floor and he started to make a questioning face at me. The others came and did the same thing.
We got attention from most of the rest of the cafeteria, but they didn't pay attention for long.
Id Leey's phone rang and she looked at the display and took the call.
"Yeoboseyo? [Hello]" Id Leey asked. Someone said something and Id Leey smiled and said yes, but she looked disgusted at some point. Na Jea and Ava sneaked up on her until she finished the call.
"Okay, I Will! Take Care too, Okay bye!" Id Leey said.
"YAH!" Ava screamed up in Id Leey's face. Id Leey looked at Ava with a raised eyebrow.
"Really Ava and Na ba? Aren't you too old to do something like that?" Id Leey asked and laughed. Kai came and agreed.
"Maybe!" Ava mumbled and sat down. I looked curious at Id Leey.
"Who was it?" I asked. The others looked at her.
"It was my uncle, Soo Man" Id Leey replied and laughed. Kai came and wrapped his arms around Id Leey's neck.
"What did he want?" Ey Lül asked. We all looked at Id Leey to answer.
"He just said, that my parents and him, agreed to change my name, because my first name meant masculin, something totally different from my personality!" Id Leey shrugged and laughed.
"What is your name then?" Na Jea smirked, and Id Leey sent daggers through her eyes at Na Jea.
"Choi Ji Rin" Id Leey blushed and Kai kissed her cheek.
"I think it sounds beautiful!" Kai said and kissed her hair.
"NO PDA!" Na Jea said and covered Ey Lül's eyes with one hand, and Sehun's with the other. We just laughed and shook our heads. We became silent when Wa Inu came and sat beside Luhan. She smiled flirty to him p, but Luhan looked disgusted. Na Jea looked pissed of and so did the other. Wa Inu looked at Na Jea and smirked.
"Na Jea honey, try to put makeup on! You will look much better than this ugly Shrek face you got!" Wa Inu smiled and smirked. Na Jea smiled and smirked back.
"Sweetie, you will discover, that there is a thick line, between having makeup on and looking like you just got raped by crayons!" Na Jea smirked and sent air kisses to Wa Inu. Wa Inu gasped and stomped away with her big elephant feet.
"Wow jagyia! You aren't called the Comeback queen for nothing!" Luhan said and wrapped his arm around Na Jea's neck.
"Wait! - Who calls me comeback queen?" Na Jea asked and looked mysteriously at Id Leey. Id Leey smiled.
"I have said nothing!" Id Leey said and smiled. Na Jea laughed and smirked.
"What about you Aegyo Ice Princess?" Na Jea smirked and looked at Id Leey. We laughed.
"I'm not an Aegyo Ice Princess! And why can't I be a queen too?" Id Leey pouted. Na Jea smirked.
"Because, not everyone can be as powerful as the elders! Plus, you're one of the maknaes!" Na Jea said and I agreed while we tried to look cool. Id Leey looked at Ey Lül, Sehun, Tao and Kai. They smirked and sat together and nodded.
"Well, not everyone can be as swaeg as the Maknae group!" Id Leey smirked and took Kris's SnapBack on and reversed it.
"We are humans!" Ey Lül added and Sehun smiled and hugged her. I laughed and shook my head.
"Not that human obsession!" Ava protested and sighed. Ey Lül smirked and did a flup with her hands.
I cuddled into Na Jea's shoulder and waited for the bell to ring.
"What are we doing today?" Chanyeol asked. We looked at each other and thought.
"Sorry, I can't today! What about tomorrow?" Na Jea and I said and looked at the others. They gave us a mysterious look.
"What are you doing today?" Xiumin asked and looked at me. I gulped.
"I'm going to Violin practice!" I said and looked excusing at him. He sighed and looked.
"I'm going to a dance studio with Id Leey, Got7 and BTS!" Na Jea said and pointed at Id Leey.
"Are we?" Id Leey asked with a confused messed look. Na Jea sighed and laughed.
"Yes, dont you remember when you promised BamBam to dance for him?" Na Jea smiled. Kai reacted quickly and answered before Id Leey could say anything.
"Then it's settled, all of us, incl. you Sa Jerg, dancing studio. After school!" Kai said and looked at Id Leey and smiled.
Id Leey smiled and nodded. The bell rang and I walked to class. Xiumin followed me to class and I could feel his eyes burn into my face. Maybe he feels the same?


Ey Lül's POV:
We quickly went home and changed to normal clothes, except Id Leey and Ava, who just were wearing dance clothes.
We drive to the nearest dance studio were Got7 and BTS waited for us. We stepped outside and began to give hugs to all of them. We walked into the dance studio, were there was a huge mirror. Id Leey and Kai's eyes sparkled when they saw the big studio. I laughed silent and looked at Sehun who smiled at me. He clinged his hand until mine, and we walked in together. Got7 and BTS sat chairs in the corner of the locale. All of us except Id Leey sat on the chairs and Id Leey looked at us.
"Why can't I have a chair?~" Id Leey pouted and sat down on the floor. BamBam helped her up and smiled.
"Because we want to see you dance!" Jungkook whined. Id Leey smiled and smirked at her cousin.
"Which dance?" Id Leey asked and smiled. We thought for a while. Which dance can Id Leey dance? Or which sing can't she dance?
"What about BTS's beautiful?" Baekhyun suggested. Id Leey thought, but nodded. Id Leey found the song, and placed her on the floor. Id Leey smirked and looked at Ava and Na Jea. She pointed at those two.
"Why are you pointed at us?" Ava asked. Id Leey smirked.
"Come and dance with me!" Id Leey said and dragged them to the dance floor. The music started and they started to dance. We all cheered because of their flawless moves. When the song finished, we all clapped and cheered.
Kai ran up and hugged Id Leey. She smiled and winked.
"Who's next?" Jackson asked. We looked at Jackson and smirked. Id Leey looked slightly confused.
"What?" Jackson asked and looked me. I smiled and smirked.
"You, Id Leey, Kai and BamBam." I pointed and they walked to their spot in the dance room.
"What song?" Kai sighed and laughed. Na Jea smirked at Id Leey who looked annoyed.
"No Na Jea, not that song!" Id Leey sighed. Na Jea nodded overly eager.
"Yes, you guys used to dance to it all the time when got7 debuted!" Na Jea whined. Jackson smirked and laughed.
"Donsaeng! You can dance as me!" Jackson smirked. Id Leey shook her head quickly.
"Fine!" Id Leey sighed, and Ava turned on the music, who played directly the chorus.
"Girls, Girls Girls they love me..." Jackson sang and Id Leey did that naughty thing Jackson do.
The song finished and we clapped and smiled. BamBam smiled and hugged Jackson. Id Leey pouted, but Kai hugged her so her face lighted up.
"Um Bammie?" Id Leey smiled and looked at BamBam. BamBam looked and nodded.
"Isn't it your birthday on Saturday?" Id Leey asked and smiled. BamBam looked shocked.
"Oh, yes actually it is Jinzy!" BamBam teased and laughed. I laughed and smiled. Sehun looked at me with puppy eyes.
"Jinzy?" Kai asked and looked at BamBam. BamBam gulped and laughed.
"I knew that Id Leey's real name never have been Ae Lee Sook. It's been Choi Ji-Rin, but she didn't like the name, so she used Ae Lee Sook instead. I used to call her Jinzy, or Jinmi all the time when we were little"Bambam explained and smiled. Kai nodded and hugged Id Leey.
"How come I didn't know?" Kai asked and laughed. Id Leey shrugged and smiled.
"I'm heading home now!" I smiled. Na Jea went with me too and said goodbye to the rest.
"So.. You and Hunnie?" Na Jea smirked. I could feel my cheeks heating up.
"Um.. Yeah." I stuttered. Na Jea winked and smirked. I punched her arm slightly.
"When are you gonna kiss?" Na Jea smirked. I sighed and blushed.
"What about you and Lulu?" I smirked. Na Jea blushed and hit my arm.
we joked and laughed. We separated and I smiled to myself.
"Maybe Sehun will kiss me soon?" I thought. Just the thought made my cheeks heat up. I can't imagine the cute Sehun kiss somebody!

A High School StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang