Scene 62

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Pietro Maximoff: You didn't see that coming. [Pietro falls to the ground as he dies. In the church, Wanda senses his death, causing her to fall in despair, and release a wave of energy that destroys all the robots around her.]

Tony Stark: [over comms] Nat can you take care of Wanda?

Natasha Romanoff: already on it.

[Natasha walks up to Wanda and hugs her]

Wanda Maximoff: My stomach it hurt my whole body hurts. [Wanda screams in pain]

Natasha Romanoff: wait are you?

Wanda Maximoff: I'm giving birth!

Natasha Romanoff: [over comms] Uh Tony we have a problem.

Tony Stark: yeah I heard it, get Wanda to the compound and well do you know how to take a baby out of her stomach?

Natasha Romanoff: Yeah I know how to do it. Wanda hold on. [Natasha tries to pick up Wanda, but it was too late] Umhh okay you're giving birth here.

Wanda Maximoff: like here here. Oh come on....

Natasha Romanof: Just let me help you...Push!!!!

[they repeat that a few times and then Natasha pulls out a cute girl out of Wanda]

Natasha Romanoff: You have an adorable little girl. What's her name?

Wanda Maximoff: Hope Natalya Maximoff.

Natasha Romanoff: an adorable name for an adorable girl. [Natasha gives the little girl to Wanda and Wanda hugs her; Natasha smiles the whole time and not only because she helped a person to bring a new life into this world, but also, because she released how much she likes a mother of a baby that was born only minutes ago]

Wanda Maximoff: can you hold her? I have some unfinished business.

Natasha Romanoff: uh yeah I can. [Natasha picks up the little girl and holds her strongly, afraid to drop her]

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