Lets do this kid!

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" People!! Young , talented and adventurous people !!! Here is a chance for all of you to show your real talent. You can get a chance to visit and work with the NASA ( National Aeronautics and Space Administration )."

"All you have to do is that your group has to go for an exploration trip to the sea and find out a rare specimen .Take a picture of it and send your group's address to us then you can win this lucky chance. The team which discovers the best specimens suitable for our upcoming project would be awarded with a cash prize and an entry to NASA as a scientist for temporary assistance with the above mentioned project. So what are you waiting for readers? Grab a submarine and chase your dreams." Mike ( actually Michael ) read this advertisement in the newspaper a Sunday morning . Sundays are pretty much lazy day in our household where breakfast becomes brunch and sleep at its best.

Mike is the one who is always updated with what is happening around, from a tiny microbe to a huge satellite , that's why we call him "encyclopedia " and its the only name which suits him the best. Whatever happens anywhere in the world he is updated. If you ask him 'What was the serial number that was printed inside Sputnik 1's pilot seat?' he would still answer that.

He isn't like all the other nerds and bookworms we meet day to day having high power glasses and a serious dull face. He is actually handsome with his deep blue eyes, brown straight hair which falls on his forehead and a good tall body as compared to my dry face, bald head, except for my physique but everything else favors him and I seriously envy that.

After he read it I was in cloud nine . It was my dream to visit NASA and I also love to do adventures. Because of this instinct I jumped up from my sofa and said "Hey Mike , why can't we do this man . We'll get a chance to go to NASA and be world famous. All our problems in our life will be gone plus it is adventurous. I'll call Sarah and you must call Canny and ask them to come to our storehouse tonight. Lets rock this pal."

Sarah and Canny were the other two members of our daring team or better to say we all were best friends since childhood. So doing something without including these ladies is never made in our minds.

"Okay so when are we planning to start our trip. Like in a week or 2 weeks?"Mike started to sound serious about this.


"Seriously. Tomorrow? We have to pack and make our submarine ready. There is no enough time."Mike had a very puzzled look on his face when he said this.

"Mike just leave it to me. We have 24 whole hours left to do it. Ask the girls to pack and come. As our submarine is already ready in the garage, a bit of polishing would be enough. We can finish it by night."

"But should we do this Jim?? This might not be a safe trip because the weather reports for tomorrow is not so convenient to us. High speed winds are blowing from east to west that means we have to move in the opposite direction of the wind . So it is a big risk ." He sounded pretty worried.

I did not take it seriously at all because always weather reports have been wrong . At times when we decide to go on a picnic and take a look at the weather reports it would be 'Heavy rain'. So believing this we would cancel the journey but it would never rain that day. It would be the sunniest or the brightest day in the year. The next day the reports would be a 'Fine weather' and we go for the picnic and come home completely soaked up due to rain. So I did completely lose my faith on these so called reports.

I packed my under sea clothes and necessary stuffs which got over as it was easy to arrange cause I've gone a couple of times for under sea explorations.

But now one humongous job is left ..to call Sarah and to convince her. It is like picking up a mountain , that much hectic because she is always afraid of everything and very superstitious . She is kind of pessimistic most of the time and really very sensitive. Still I will have to do it because she is mine and no one can replace Sarah.


"Hey Babes. Its me Jim. How are you ?"

"Yeah, hi Jim. I'm fine.What happened ?"

"No nothing , today morning Mike was just reading the newspaper and we saw an ad . We can get a chance to visit NASA . So you ready ? "

"Yes of course . But what should we do to get till there ?"

"Yeah, coming to the point we have to go for an under sea exploration and find a rare specimen which we have already done couple of times before . The selected team would assist in their upcoming project. Very simple isn't it, Hon?"

I knew what she would tell . No, a big No. I tried to convince her by telling that even Canny is ready to leave , but no result . She cut the call. She complained that she was done with sea explorations and it was very dangerous down there. Even she did say about the opposite current in the sea. I guess that I was the only one who didn't bother to read this news.

Disappointment struck me hard . Sarah was like my backbone wherever I go and without her it would be so difficult for me to succeed.

Coming back I saw Mike packing up and informed me that Canny was ready to go. But still I was sad. Sarah can't be sitting home when we go for an adventure..never.

Suddenly there was a beep from my phone. It was a message from Sarah
"I am ready , we'll meet tonight at the storehouse . Don't be sad ."

Happiness just filled in me reading her message and took some time to watch a movie because we would be spending quality time in the storehouse tonight planing for the superb exploration paving way to achieve my dream- "To visit and work with NASA ."


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