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    "What are you talking about?" Ji Tu almost drank the wine ordered by the guest. As the boss, he directly put the tray in his hand to the waiter on the side, and sent it to table number 6. Then, leaning against the bar of the dessert hall, he said in a cadence: "What nonsense is he talking about?"

    The customer next to him looked at it in surprise. Ji Tu glanced.

    Gu Bao blankly cut out a piece of pink cake and put it on the plate: "Who knows, it's not that he's crazy, it's probably I'm crazy."

    This is not a question sentence, it's a statement sentence, the tone is straight, there is no ups and downs , which fully reflects the volcanic eruption under the calm surface of Gu Bao.

    Ji Tu twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "A friend who can go to bed is called Paoyou, and a boyfriend after a breakup is called an ex-boyfriend. I've never heard of a friend becoming a friend after a breakup, but still a friend? The dogs on the roadside are going to laugh."

    Gu Bao handed the cake to the guest. Facing the guest's expression of eating melon, Gu Bao gave him a signature smile: "The lighting at the first table over there is very good, and the photo is very beautiful." The

    guest smiled at him. , blushed, and then walked away with the cake, not staying to continue eating melons.

    Ji Tu reacted: "Did he think that Fan Jiao and you are still friends, so he came here?"

    Gu Bao stubbornly pulled the corner of his mouth: "Fan Jiao is different from Pei Ting, I can't be friends with Pei Ting.

    Ji Tu scratched his head in anger: "I really saw him wrong! So what did you tell him after that, did you scold him?" Gu

    Bao put his hand in front of Ji Tu: "I gave him a punch."

    Ji Tu He took a deep breath: "Bao, I've known you for so long, I didn't expect you to be violent!"

    Gu Bao also didn't expect that when he heard Pei Ting's words, he was so angry that he even moved his hands.

    Pei Ting was stunned by him, covering his face and almost fell to the ground. The guests around him were amazed. Gu Bao looked at Pei Ting coldly and said, "Who wants to be friends with you!" He turned and left.

    Because he felt that Pei Ting's words were all nonsense, and even detonated the discomfort that had been pressing in his heart for the past few months, turning his grief into anger, and felt that his heart was in vain.

    Ji Tu: "What should I do now?"

    Gu Bao: "What should I do?"

    Ji Tu: "You and Pei Ting?"

    Gu Bao turned around and took out a bottle of wine, poured two glasses, and drank his own. : "I don't know, I don't want to see him now."

    Ji Tu: "It's okay, there is no fragrant grass anywhere in the world, why should you love a single grass, my brother will take you to the bar to fly at night, there are both men and women. Gu Bao frowned: "

    Forget it, love is so annoying, I really don't want to touch it again in the short term."

    Ji Tu: "We can drink without going to the bubble boy, why don't we do it for men? Happy, by the way, how is auntie's body, I'll see her later?"

    Gu Bao softened his expression when he mentioned his mother. Since he fell out with Pei Ting in Zai's restaurant that day, Gu Bao has been in the hospital. Pei Ting has been here several times, but Gu Bao has turned a blind eye.

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