Chapter Thirty-Two

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"So you plan on taking away a child's only way to communicate? This is ludicrous Your Honor. How do you expect her to testify if she can't even tell you the information she has?"

A lady from the prosecution stood up with a packet of papers in her hand. She cleared her throat, "Your Honor, if I may." The judge gave a jerky nod and the lady continued. "In the packet of pages we handed in this morning, there is a page on Miss Renaud saying that she indeed has alternative ways to communicate. If you cannot find the page I will read it." The judge beckoned for her to go on. "She is a mute Your Honor. She cannot talk and therefore it is cruel and unjust for you to take away her means of communicating."

The lady sat down, seemingly finished before nodding at me. A peel of laughter was heard from where my fosters were. Immediately regretting it, I glanced over to see Rachel whispering something to Neil and cackling. Shrinking back in my chair, I took deep breaths and tapped my fingers on my knee. 

My guard noticed immediately and squatted down next to me, forcing my attention away from my fosters. "Do you still want to do this Miss?" I nodded my head slowly, squeezing my eyes shut. "If you don't want to, nobody would blame you, Miss." I shook my head. I had to do this. If not for them, then for myself. These two people had put me through hell and I wanted to see them get sent away. If nothing else it would give me a piece of mind. "Alright Miss, I'll be right here the entire time." I opened my eyes and he smiled before getting up.

"What's your name?" It seemed only fair that I finally know his name. I mean he was risking his life for me every day. 

"It's Remy, Miss." He sent me a small smile before donning his harsh exterior and stepping back against the wall.

"Miss Renaud, whenever you're ready we can begin again." I took a mouth of air and nodded. It seemed that while Remy made sure I was okay, they had approved the use of my phone. Mr. Telm nodded at the judge before clearing his throat. "Excellent. Please raise your right hand." I did, "Now Miss Renaud, do you solemnly swear or affirm that the testimony you are about to give in this trial is the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" 

I bowed my head once in a jerky motion. There were no promises that I wouldn't glaze over some details. I mean, it's technically not lying if I never share them. 

The lady who spoke up for me moved to a podium in the center of the room, quickly arranging a stack of cards. "How old are you Miss Renaud?"

"Fourteen, ma'am." This wasn't too bad.

"When is your birthday?"

"The fifteenth of June."

"So it's in a month then?"

"Yes ma'am." I honestly was expecting much harder questions.

"How many families did you live with before the Smiths?"

I thought for a moment. "Twelve."

"So they were your thirteenth family then?"

"Yes ma'am."

"And how long did you stay with them?" 

"A year."

"And during that year, did you see any drugs or drug paraphernalia?" 

Glancing at my fosters then at Mrs. Hark - who was sitting at the back of the room - I nodded slowly. "Yes ma'am." Looking at my hands I tried to ignore the feeling of Mrs. Hark's eyes.

"And can you tell us what you saw?" 

"I don't remember, I'm sorry." Glancing up through my curls I took in her steely face; she was pissed.

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