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January 04 [loading remaining data . . . ◔]

The next day I wake up in the photobooth, I groan in annoyance knowing Josh and Anna probably left me here on purpose and would make fun of me later on for falling asleep in a photobooth.

I get up stretching a little and exit the booth "uhh.. what're you doing in there?" A bartender walks up to me, the bar seemed empty and it was morning, so I assumed it was only about to open "uhm I guess i- uh fell asleep I was here in the party yesterday though" I explained as I rubbed my eyes.

"Party..?" the bartender asks himself more than me "You know what whatever, just please leave" he instructs impatiently, I didn't really care that he was impatient, I would be too especially working in a bar with people just falling asleep at random places.

"Alright alright" I muttered as I trudged out of the door still a little tired, I winced as the sun beamed on my face. Suddenly my head starts pounding and I feel so tired to the point that I feel like my limbs would give out at any given moment, basically feeling as if I were hungover.

"Ugh could this day get any worse" I roll my eyes as my head starts pounding even harder. I make my way across the street and check in my purse for my phone.

I wasn't quite sure where I was so I decided I'd call for maybe Josh, Anna or my brother to help me get back home.

I didn't really want to call for my mom knowing she'd kill me, but if I called my friends I could possibly get away with my actions saying some random excuse.

where is my god damned phon-

My thoughts were soon interrupted as I suddenly tripped over the sidewalk making my mind go blank as I tried to prepare myself for the pain. Ready for my contact with the ground, I braised myself for impact.

Impact that never even came.

"Woah woah woah you good?" I hear the guy that caught me ask as his hands were on my back supporting me so I wouldn't fall.

I couldn't see what he looked like as he was against the light but I could kind of see his hair though, it was a beautiful bright blonde and he looked quite young based off his facial structure that I could see from this lighting.

"Hello...?" He waved his hand in front of my face as he lifted me to stand up, his hand still around my waist to support my body from giving out.

"Uhm.. yea I'm- I'm fine" I took a deep breath in as I dust off my pants checking for any wounds I could have.

"How many?" He quizzed as he held up fingers "three" I spoke softly as I took in his features, he had middle parted hair, bright blue eyes, pinkish lips, quite thin eyebrows and his face was a little damp from the sweat since it was quite humid.

"Ok good. Well make sure you're looking where you're stepping or going next time alright?" He laughs as he unwraps his arm around my waist making it feel empty and making me feel a little disappointed "ok" I chuckle lightly too.

"I'll see you around" he smiles as he walks backwards and waves so he's still facing me but soon turns back around to finally walk straight forward avoiding getting into some sort of accident.

I then realize I've got no clue where I am, so I go to call someone using my phone that i had finally found just to find out its low-bat.

"Hey!" I call out, the guy turns around checking if he was the one being called for, he sees me and points to himself, as if asking if I were talking to him.

I nod and he walks back to me "want my number?" He smirks I roll my eyes at his cocky-ness as I continue to say what I wanted to actually say "no, no I don't, I just needed to ask if you know where I am.." I looked around nervously.

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒; nick carterWhere stories live. Discover now