"I'm fine, nerd. Get away from me." Katsuki yelled as he noticed where Izukus' hands were placed.

"Okay.. what are you doing out here?"

"I was on my way to Shitty Hair's room" He lied, knowing that his true intentions were now ruined.

"You should really be more careful, Kacchan. I don't want you getting hurt." Izuku said, slightly concerned.

"Yeah, whatever. Go to bed, don't want you falling asleep in class, Deku." I really need to be more nice to him if I want to even consider telling him how I feel.

Was Kacchan just nice to me? No.. he must have just wanted to get out of having a conversation with me.


-Katsuki decided to head to his friends room, like he told Izuku he was doing.-

3rd Person POV

"Come in!" Kirishima yelled as he heard someone knock on the door. "Oh hey Bakubro. Why didn't you tell me you were stopping by? I would have cleaned up a bit."

"I don't care if your rooms a mess, you piece of shit." Katsuki said back, muttering the last part.

"What did you need? Ya come to hang out with your best friend? Huh? Huhh? C'mon, you know you love meeee!" Kirishima said, trying to get a reaction out of his friend.


 (The only person I love is Deku) Katsuki thought to himself.

"Are you gonna answer my question or are you just gonna stand there?"

"I need some advice.." Katsuki said, regretting even coming to Kirishima for help.

"What kind of advice? OOO you got girl problems Bakubro?" Kirishima was still trying to make his friend angry.

"Well.. kinda? Not really.. Can I tell you something?" Katsuki asked his -not- friend.

"Yeah, of course." His tone changed once he realized that this meant a lot to Bakugou.

"Have you ever.. been attracted to a guy?"

"Bakubro.. I'm sorry, but I don't feel the same way towards you." Kirishima misinterpreted the situation, leaving Katsuki annoyed.

"Shitty Hair, that's not what I said." Katsuki was pissed off at his friend's reaction.
"I'm asking cause I... I have a crush on a guy. I have for a long time, and I can't hold it in anymore."

"Awwww! OOH let me guess, Midoriya, right?" Kirishima was sure of his answer.

"What!??! NO! Maybe.. whatever. How'd you know?? You been talking to my Hag?" Katsuki only told his mother, whom he called "Hag" about his feelings for his childhood friend.

"Aww that's so cute! And it's pretty obvious bro, I think the only one who doesn't realize it is him. You haven't told him how you feel yet, right?" Kirishima was speaking a little too loud. The surrounding rooms could definitely hear parts of their conversations.

Katsuki was looking down, trying to hide the very obvious blushing on his face.
"STOP YELLING! And no of course I haven't told him. He'd think I'm an idiot. Why would I go from hating him one day to confessing my love to him?

"Love...? You love him? I thought this was just a crush, Bakugbro. You definitely gotta tell him how you feel. Holding in those feelings for too long can change you."

"What? I did NOT say love. Why would anyone love that useless nerd?" Katsuki was trying to stay away from the "L word."
"I just.. like him."

Why Do You Love Me? (DekuBaku)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя