𝐀𝗼𝗺𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐢 - 𝘈 𝘣𝘦𝘵

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❝Kinda Steamy❞✗
Tags: (grinding, kissing, cursing, dirty talk?)

Excuse my grammar

It hasn't been too long since you became the second manager of Tōō highschools basketball team. You always had a deep passion for basketball and it kinda ran in your family. You were built for it too, you were a good 5'10, with good stamina and genetics. You had a good vertical and jumper for your gender and age. You were an all around player but took pride in your good play making.

You were a point guard for your aau team but suffered a pretty bad injury going into your junior year and when healing you kinda put basketball aside and never got too into it after. Although because of your love for the game you always found a way to still be involved with it. So when your friend momoi asked if you would be interested in being a second manager you took the opportunity right then and there.

You loved all the players equally but there was one player that you seemed to take a bit more of a liking too, and it seemed to be very mutual as far as you could tell. His name was Aomine and he was a very strong core player to the team.

Even though all the player were outstanding he was far beyond they're level. When he was around, all the plays centered around him. Which you thought was a bit unfair, but hey, if you have a cheat code that's not considered a cheat, your gonna use it right?

You never thought to actually do anything with him though for only one reason. He was arrogant. Besides for that he was perfect. He was 6'4, with beautiful abs, and a pussy throbbing smile. He had huge hands and made good grades. He was almost perfect, but he was so cocky, and a bit perverted.

He never showed up to practice and anytime anybody ever tried to play him, he would demolish them and say "tHe onLy pErSon whO coUld bEat mE, iS Me".

Why he acted like that was beyond you but you didn't really pay much attention to it to avoid getting upset.

You picked up your water bottle and the keys to the gym. It was 5:30 in the morning which is way to early but for whatever reason you had the sudden urge to shoot for a bit so you thought that you could just get to the gym early before practice to set up for everyone after.

As you walked up to the gym you realized that the lights were on, which was odd cause you swore that you locked up last night. You thought that maybe a custodian had left them on and continued to make your way to the door.

You stuck the key into the hole and twisted it but when you did it felt as if the gym was already unlocked. It was then that you heard a basketball bounce and was immediately put on edge. The only other person with a key to the gym is momoi and she doesn't play basketball? Nor does she get up early so you were terrified. Did you not lock up last night and now some homeless person has made thier way into the gym to shoot some hoops?!

You shook your head and pulled the door open peaking inside. You were shocked ounce you were met with the gaze of Aomine himself, who seemed to be doing some form shooting. You stepped all the way inside and let the door shut behind you.

"Well look who's practicing", you side eyed him and placed your things on the bleachers. He rolled his eyes and started doing one handed shots starting at the block and making his way around the paint.

"Shut up, I'm not practicing I'm just...... Shooting around and stuff", you noticed his gallon water bottle on the ground next to you as you stretched out your arms. It had a quarter bit of water left and a towel next to it. You picked up the bottle facing him.

"Yeah, totally just shooting around"

"Look I gotta maintain this gorgeous body somehow". He hopped up and dropped the basketball through the rim hanging on for a bit and dropping back down leaving the ball where it is and walking towards you.

Hit different - Anime Characters X Black ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin