so this is christmas?

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              𝖲𝗈 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗂𝗌 𝖼𝗁𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗍𝗆𝖺𝗌?


"day 193 without gowon" i said as i started to turn my lights off. tomorrow is christmas day and i'm SUPER excited. i just finished writing in my journal, emailing gowon, and getting ready for bed. my parents have been acting weird recently and i think it's because gowon is coming back for christmas!! i'm so excited to see her face again. i want to hug her, give her a million pecks, and hang out with her. i cant stop thinking about her. as i thought about her, my eyes shut and i dozed off.

AHHH!! tomorrow is CHRISTMAS! i'm so excited. i finished emailing hyeju and i'm about to go to bed! (pretend that there isn't different timezones lol) i can't stop thinking about hyeju. i wish i can see her in person again. her eyes, her lips, her cheeks, her nose, her hair, her EVERYTHING!!

as gowon kept thinking, she realized this is her first christmas without hyeju. it made her sad but she promised to send her presents. gowon had went to the local shops the day before in the cold harsh winter weather alone. she got hyeju a locket, a new red jacket that's she's been dying for, a new golden pen, and a long hand written letter. the letter said "merry christmas! i'm so sorry that i'm not with you. i hope you have a great christmas. please stay safe today. don't slip outside! it's pretty cold here. i miss you so much. i miss your face, your hair, everything about you. i'm writing this at 3 am! i just finished buying all of your presents. it took me 8 hours because i wanted to get you the perfect gifts. i cant wait to see what you got me! i hope you have an amazing day, i love you so much. bye!" gowon thought it was perfect!

_______________time skip_______________
AHH!! ITS CHRISTMAS! im so excited to see gowons face again. i wonder if she looks different..! today. today i will tell gowon i love her. i love love her. not just friend love. i have to wake up my sister so that we can go and wake mom and dad up! "agh stop it" my mom says as me and my sister jump on their bed. "RAHH!" my dad says getting up and tackling my sister. "Fight fight fight fight fight fight!" me and my mom chant. "and the winner is...ME!!" i yell. "that's not fair, you're not playing" my sister says. "well i still win!" i argued. "cmon let's go get some food in our systems!!" my mom says as she got out of bed. we raced down the stairs to the kitchen. surprisingly, mom won.

as i looked around the house, i didn't see anybody other than my family. then i looked outside. still nobody. "hey mom where is gowon?" i asked. "gowon? she's not here sweetie. why?" she said as she flipped a pancake. "WHAT?" i yelled. "SHES NOT COMING?" "no baby. i'm sorry." my dad said as he set the table. "why isn't she here?" i asked while i was about to cry.
"she's all the way in new york hye.. she can't come"
"are you joking?"
"no baby"
"then why were you guys acting so weird when i mentioned her last night?"
"because, you didn't get her a present. but she got you one"
"i don't want her stupid present. she ruined christmas." i ran upstairs to my room slamming the door.

i ran downstairs holding my mom and sisters hands. "i'm so excited to see what juie got me" i exclaimed. my mom knew she didn't get me anything but she didn't wanna make me sad. my mom started passing out the presents to me and my sister. i started looking in my pile for one that wrote "from hyeju." i looked at each tag. none said hyeju. i started to worry. "did she even get me anything?" i asked. "sweetie.. she didn't." my mom said caressing my head. "oh.." i said. i was bummed. but that didn't make me too upset. at least i had presents from people i love!

i started to think about hyeju. i remembered that i saved up my money for 6 months to get all of her presents and she got me nothing. i thought about how i'm always the one to send the first email, i was the one who wrote her letters, i sent her things, and she didn't sound like she enjoyed them. i started to get upset. i mean, it's okay that she doesn't send the first email. she could be scared. i understand. but everything else... is she getting sick of me?? i hope not. she's my best friend. am i her best friend though??

i was pissed at gowon. i decided to not answer her emails anymore, and to stop writing about her. i would just write how many days. i cant believe she didn't come. she got my hopes up. she ruined christmas. that bitch. i never want to see her again.

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