01. The beginning

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Hello and welcome to my book "Moth to a flame" it's one of the first stories I've posted and have had the motivation to write.

My name is Cr8ter and I'm the author and editor of this book, I hope you enjoy reading and any writing tips and advice are much appreciated!



That was your quirk's name, illusion.

You'd developed it at school in class. Before then you'd watched a documentary on dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures back at home.

You specifically loved the T-Rex and thought about it all day, even in class.

Unfortunately, your power decided to manifest right then and there, and it wasn't much of a surprise when your entire class SCREAMED in absolute terror as a huge blue T-Rex popped out of the whiteboard and clamped its jaws down on the teacher, which made it look like the animal had bit her head off.

The teacher was fine of course, but they were wondering where the creature had come from, and if a student had gained their quirk during class, which you did, but just hadn't realized it. So they decided to watch the other students while in recess.

When surveying the students, you once again thought about the dinosaur, only for it to appear a second time, scaring the poor kids half to death.

The teachers were wary of the animal, but all it did was trot over to where you were sitting in the sandbox, staring at it in both awe and surprise, then lay next to you and watch you.

When you tried to pet it, your hand phased through its head, and after a few seconds, the animal flickered like a hologram before completely disappearing.

They told your parents, and they responded by sending you to the doctor to see what kind of quirk it was and the doctor called it 'Illusion'. your parents had looked so proud of such a nice quirk for their child, they said it was just as perfect as you were and praised you for it.

Your quirk's main purpose was that whenever you thought of something, whatever it was, it became reality, or at least, an image of a fake reality. You could embed your imagination into somebody's head, or make it so everyone could see, sort of like a VR experience or hallucination, not real but there. It was to a lot of people, very cool to have.

A lot of people

Except you.

You disliked your quirk, it was kind of cool, for a person who wants to interact with characters from tv shows or something, but no matter how hard you looked at the positives of the quirk, you never found "you can be a great hero with this" or "You can help fight villains with this quirk.". It was not something that you thought could be used for a hero.

If anything it could possibly be used for a villain, but you didn't want to think about that.

Being a hero was something you thought was so cool, and seeing a hero do their job and save people was even cooler. The thing that you thought was the coolest though, was being the hero who saved everyone and was cheered on by people, the one on the screen, not watching the screen.

Your quirk made that seem impossible, and that made you upset.

Your parents never told you that you could in-fact be a hero, when you asked them "how could I be a hero with my quirk?", they didn't seem to have an answer, as they just patted your head and told you "you'll figure out a way, you always do.", which was not the answer you wanted but it was an answer and you being 5 at the time, smiled and got all happy nonetheless thinking "yea! I'll figure it out!".

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