New Home

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Nikki's POV ( Aunt Rosie's house above)

After about 45 mins driving we finally pull into the driveway of a gorgeous house "where are we?" I ask

"Home" she giggles "do you like it"

I nod "I take it another perk of your new job" she nods

" who all lives here, this house looks like it fits 40 people easy" I laugh

"Just Me and uncle David, Mikayla, Brandon, and the twins Michael and Elijah"

I look at her confused "twins?"

" oh I forgot to tell you I had twins last summer" I nod getting down from the car.

My aunt comes around the side of the car " don't look so nervous this is your home now too ok and I went and picked up most of your stuff already but I'll give you my card so you can go buy new clothes for school"

"New clothes? I thought that school made u wear a uniform"

"Nope not anymore"

" thank god, now I can hide that stupid ankle monitor" she laughs and leads me into the house.

It's gorgeous inside the flooring is a really pretty brown marble color with designs in the entrance, the walls are a smooth beige color with white trim.

"Come on make yourself at home" she says gesturing me to follow her, as she's showing me around the house we her laughing coming out of the family room that leads outside to the pool. There sat my cousins Mikayla and. Brandon along with 2 other people I didn't recognize.As soon as we walk in all eyes are on us, actually they were all on me.

"NIKKI!" Brandon shouts as he comes up giving me a big hug.

" can't.... Breathe" I say causing him to loosen his grip, I laugh a little

"I missed you dork" I smile at him " but damn you got tall"

"6'3" he said proudly "and center forward on my basketball team"

"Ewww your a jock" I scrunched up my nose making him laugh

" that's right and you better be at my games" he said

"I wouldn't miss them" I smiled at him

Soon Mikayla walked up to me with a serious face and I gave her one right back "well look what the cat dragged back in from jail" she said

" well look who's still a bitch" I said and for a moment we stared at each other before we both broke out laughing and she hugged me and I hugged her back

"Asshole ... I missed you thoo Nik" she said

" I missed you too Mickey"

Mikayla and I are the complete opposites but we're very close, she's always been the queen B cheerleader type and I've always been the stoner with the tattoos always getting in trouble. I came to find out that the 2 strangers were my cousins best friends James and Alexa, and they were nice I guess just probably not the kinda people I'd hang around with on my own.

"Nikki darling I got something for you so come here real quick"

I said my goodbye to my cousins and their friends and went off to find my aunt in the kitchen, she had a small present box next to her and as I walked in she slid it to me.

" what's this?" I ask

" just open it" she says impatiently

I open the lid and find a brand new iPhone 14 max pro and car keys.... I hold up the keys
" what are these for" I say dangling them

"Your car silly did you think I'd have you walk everywhere now go outside and see your new car"

My jaw dropped as I walked out to the driveway to see a brand new Dodge Charger parked in front of the garage.

"This is way to much auntie" I tell her

"Nonsense" she smiles and I hug her tightly " now why don't you go and get some rest we have to go see your P.O. Tomorrow then get your stuff for school"

I engulf her in a big bear hug "thank you for everything"

"Of course dear, I just wished I could've helped you sooner." The smile on her face was sad but I knew she meant it. We walked back into the house and she showed me my room " goodnight my sweet girl " she said as she was walking out.

" night auntie" I called out.

I took a shower And got myself ready for bed, thank god this thing was water proof. Just as I was downloading Snapchat on my new phone someone knocked.

" come in" I yelled

"Whatcha doing" she asks

"Playing with my new phone, why" I ask looking up at her

"Just asking, how are you doing though" she asks sitting on the edge of my bed

I shrug "I'm ok, this is definitely better then that 2 man cell I was in, in max"

"The fuck is Max?"

I laugh "I forgot your a "good girl" , max is maximum security" I said as her eyes widen

" why in the fuck were you in maximum security!? Isn't that where they put the murderers?"

"No not necessarily,  It's where they put the violent inmates that fight a lot"

She shakes her head and I shrug.

" so what this school like?" I ask

" think of normal high school but with a bunch of privileged kids, you got the athletes and cheerleaders, nerds,  normal kids I guess that's what you would call them"

" and I take it you and Brandon are in group A" I laugh

She rolls her eyes "of course but we're nice "

I burst out laughing " what I can be nice" she saying smiling

" if you say so Mickey"

" I can definitely tell you there's no one like you there" She says

"I bet" I smile

She gets up and gives me a hug " well I'm off to dreamworld, night loser"

" night asshole" she smirks as she walks out of my room shutting the door behind her

I lay back in bed yawning, I didn't even realize how tired I was and fell asleep almost instantly . I was not looking forward for tomorrow but I was still happy to be free.

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