chapter 5

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I felt discussed with myself after. Axel looked at me I could tell she did to. But it was so good.

"Hm.." I could hear the rabbit man say before he exited the room.

"You two are disgusting!" Someone yelled at us. Axel's heads hissed at them as her tail wrapped around me.

"And you will be next." She'd hiss. As the door opened. I started in aw. That thing was beautiful. "My name is X. You call me that only. And I'm not a she or a he." X said. "Now follow me to meet master."

With that we followed x, me and Axel in the front. We walked to two big doors and X opened them to a much much nicer hallway. Then down a little to the left were again two big doors. X opened them and we walked in.

X stopped before a thrown and we stood behind them. I turned to look as everyone came in along with the onis group of as always rabbit man behind everyone.

He was like a watcher.

Akira, X, and the rabbit man all walked up to the thrown. As the grim reaper from before walked out from the shadows. Him Akira stood in the left of the thrown rabbit man and X on the other.then a door opened from the opposite of where we came in and a man walked in.

He ignored everyone and walked to the grown and sat down. The man glanced over all of us before he landed his eyes on Axel. I moved to go Infront of her as he pointed to her.

"Runespoor." He said in a glitched low voice. He then moved his hand to farther down to a wendigo. I much of missed him somehow. "X"

He then looked at me and extended his hand to point at me. "tokki" lowering his hand still looking at me as I stared right back at him he smirked before continuing. "Rest Akira and Moth. Dismissed." He said. Akira and the grim reaper walked forward and exited everyone but the wendigo, Axel and me. Once they left the man started to talk once more.

"You three have been chosen."

"For what?" Axel hissed.

"For you to be in short terms a guard dog, trained by Runespoor. The wendigo a royal keeper and the hybrid is not to be spoken publicly." X said.

"Who is Runespoor?" Axel asked, and a thick country accent voice came from behind us.

"That would be me darling." Said voice said. I glanced back and saw a three headed snake. She was very pretty. "And we have a lot of work for you to control them heads of yours." She said as she slithered up to the thrown, she was so big tho half her body was still behind us.

"Runespoor and X you are dismissed to talk with your new apprentices." The man on the thrown said. Runespoor took axel to the door in the back.

"Hell no! I'm not leaving m/n!" She yelled.

"Don't worry sugar cube m/n will be in save hands. You'll see each other soon anyway." She said as she pushed axle with her. The wendigo and X left quietly.

"I'm sure you have many questions m/n. But for now I am your lord Zalgo." The man said.

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