Who is strongest? Beasts vs. Dinos!

Start from the beginning

Tara's p.o.v.

Tara had just opened the door to the infirmary, when she heard a voice yell "Delicious". Tara sighed and knew who it belonged to. It was Jaden's. She walked in and was not surprised that Jaden was awake and eating from 5 trays of food. Tara sighed and placed herself at the chair beside him. Jaden instantly stopped eating and looked at her with a serious face. He was still holding the chopsticks in his hand though. Tara looked at him with the same look. Their friends, Hassleberry, Syrus, Alexis and Blair was in here as well. However Jaden was only looking at Tara, with a fried shrimp stuck out from his mouth. He actually looked worried. Then he swallowed his food and gulped. He was staring at her, and Tara at him. 

"Um 5 more trays over here!" Yelled Jaden which made the rest of the group beside Tara do a anime falldown. Blair walked over with 5 trays and sighed. 

"Geezz Jaden! Aren't you full yet!" She asked. Jaden just grinned. 

"It is not for me!" He said and looked at Tara "It is for her!". The others looked confused at Tara, then at Jaden. Tara smirked. She grabbed a spare cup sticks and slowly took one of the trays. Jaden looked worried at her. Tara smiled. 

"I need to see if you are up to date Jaden!" Tara said and smirked "You know the rules right!". Jaden nodded and grabbed a tray as well. He was staring at her, pretty intense. Tara did the same thing. 

"One wish!" stated Jaden cold "Mine is that you and Ember becomes friends!". 

"Mine is that you tell, you know, how you fe..!" began Tara. Jaden covered her mouth, and smiled awkwardly. The others was really confused. 

"Agreed!" Jaden said quickly "Count from 3... 3..2..1 start!". Then they grabbed the first food they could with the chopsticks and a competition began. The others looked just shocked. There were no table manners here and they had never seen any eat so fast before. Not even Jaden, so this gave the other a shock. They were even stealing food from the different trays in each others hands. 

"Ah can't you two spare a bite!" said Hassleberry suddenly, when his stomach was growling. The twins just stared at him. 

"No!" they said in unison. Half of the food stuck out from their mouth. They continued. Miss Fortaine even walked in and was stunned over the food fight. 

"No!" Yelled Tara angry and slammed her hand at the tray. Jaden had the last shrimp in the mouth and smiled evilly at her. Tara sighed. 

"You won Jaden! That means you are up to full power again!". Tara said and smiled "I have to become friends with Ember now!". Jaden grinned. 

"Yeah you have sis!" He stated and grinned "This was fun! Now I am on full power". Miss Fortaine coughed a little. Jaden and Tara looked at her. 

"Don't be fooled Jaden! Your body has bin under a lot of stress! So be careful!" She said. Jaden just grinned and jumped out of the bed. He looked at Tara, and She at him. Then Jaden grabbed her hand.

"Come sis!" He said and smiled "Lets get dueling!". Tara grinned and nodded and they both began running away. Away from the infirmary and outside. 

Normal p.o.v.

Back at the infirmary. Syrus and Hassleberry had decided to rush after the twins and left the two girls, Blair and Alexis at the sick bay. Miss Fortaine sighed. 

"I wasn't even finished yet!" She said and sighed again "But I figure that Jaden is not the resting type! Please bring him back if he ever gets tired again!". Blair and Alexis nodded. They had bin used to babysitting Jaden. A minute later they left the infirmary.

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