"Father?" he asked sternly.

"Is it about your mate?" his father responded.

"How did you-" He locked eyes with me. "Oh."

"Rosen family, we will have a meeting about this in two days. We will send you the extra information. Understand?" the alpha said sternly.

Me and my family nodded.

"Good. We will be leaving now."

As the alphas son walked away, I could feel his hatred for me. Plus the whole room was tense!

As soon as the family left, Kath shouted,

"Come on! Don't let that issue ruin this day! Let's have some fun!"

Mona joined her side, and somehow we still got the party going. Although, it seemed extremely fake. Like nobody here forgot what just happened. I managed to forget during the party, but that only lasted for a few minutes. I was excited for this day because of my mate. I hoped he would be kind to me and love me. Guess I got the opposite.







Wait a minute. Why am I letting some stupid boy drag me down? This is my birthday! Future problems stay in the future! I should enjoy my birthday to the fullest! That's right! I'm going to forget that stupid mate of mine and enjoy this!

Third Person POV:

Jenna motivated herself to enjoy her party, although sadness wouldn't let go of their grip on her. As much as she  tried, sadness still overwhelmed her.

She decided to take a break and go to her room. Her family were going to end the party in a few minutes, she had to get ready for their inquiries.

Jenna heard the last guest leave and stared at the door intently. After a few minutes, her mother and father knocked and she allowed them in.

"Jenna, are you ok?" Jenna's mother asked as she sat on her bed and motioned her husband to do the same.

"I- I- I'm perfectly fine," Jenna said between stutters, feeling pathetic. "Been better though."

"Jenna. We understand this must be hard on you, and we want to help you through it," Jenna's father chimed in on the conversation. "Please be honest with us."

"It's fine, really,"

As soon as Jenna finished her sentence, her brother walked in.

"The sadness in your voice says otherwise," he said.

"The only reason I was excited, was because of my mate. It's great to know he doesn't love me," she whispered, tears threatening to escape. "Maybe I am really weak."

"Don't you dare say that about yourself!" my father snapped. "You are a strong, independent woman!"

A small smile formed on Jenna's lips, but it was quickly replaced by a large frown.

"Thanks for the compliment, father. Can- Can you leave please? I want to sleep." Jenna said.

"Of course honey," Jenna's mother smiled warmly and gestured the others to leave.

Once they all left and Alex shut the door behind them, Jenna let her tears out. She covered herself with her sheets and hoped sleep would let free her. Sleep however, had a different plan.

In Jenna's sleep, all the words her mate kept replaying in her head. Jenna managed to let quiet sobs out in her sleep. Her pillow was drenched in tears.

She wanted it to stop. All of it to stop. Just to be able to sleep peacefully was all she asked for. Was that too much? Did she not deserve that?

Jenna's head shot up after the event played to the millionth time. In 2 days, she'd had to see her mate again. Unless, she could get out.

She thought of different possibilities to escape. Tomorrow would be Monday, she'd have to go to school and come back for training. She'd see him in both of those things.

Unless, she'd run away.

Perfect! she thought. She got up and wore some black clothes and began to pack her stuff.

Stupid idea, you must think? From your perspective it might, but the pain was too much too handle for an omega. Plus, people would treat her horribly for it if they found out. It'd just be better to run away now.

She made a route and jumped from her window. She managed to get to the forest without anyone seeing her, she shifted and began running. She'd miss her family, but they'd do better without her, all she could be was a problem.

After a few minutes of running, she felt a feeling of release, which meant she was out of (Blood Moon) pack's territory. She sighed and went further into the woods. She found a cave and decided to camp in it.

Suprisingly, Rose never talked to her, even when she shifted.


"I hate you."



Ooooh drama!

This took so much imagination I thought my brain exploded.

From a 'Useless Omega' to a 'Daring Lone Wolf'Where stories live. Discover now