dreaming about Liz and farquad is here

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3rd person pov

While Shrek and Fiona were having weed rats for dinner she had fallen fast asleep

Cheri's dream

12 years old...

I was running around the field where but when I looked around everything was animated I remembered the house we lived in before we moved but why is it animated

"Hey sis" my sister Liz came up she was 17 at the time and was working 2 part time jobs just to keep everything together

"Lizbeth why did mommy and daddy have to go away" I said she gave me a sad smile "these things happen not for the best they're just unexpected" she said

"C'mon let's get you cleaned up and ready for dinner" she said as she picked me up and carried me I put my arms around her neck and leaned me head against her shoulder

She opened the door to the house and set me in my chair "I made pasta linguini hope you like it" she said tiredly I felt bad for Liz

She had to work days and nights while I was still too young to get a job I at least wanted to help her out a bit but couldn't find how I could

I ate quietly "your rather quiet is something on your mind" Liz said I sighed "lizzy" I said "hm" she hummed in response

"I want to help you but I don't know how" I said she sighed and looked at me then got up from her seat and walked over to me

She hugged me tightly and I cried silently on her shoulder "you don't have to do a thing right now don't worry about it" she said

"But I feel so inadequate I'm not helping you do anything and you always help me I feel like it's unfair to you" I said tears in my eyes

She kissed my forehead "don't think about that right now I'm doing just fine with getting us some money quickly finish your food and head to bed" she said

"Ok lizzy" I said I quickly ate my pasta and went to bed changing into my pajamas "you all snug" Liz asked me as she tucked me into bed I nodded

"Ok goodnight munchkin" she said "wait lizzy" I said "hm?" She said "can you sing me a song so I can go to sleep better" I said she smiled "sure" she said

"🎶 Lulla-lulla-lullaby

Hush, little baby don't you
Hush, little baby don't say a word
Papa's gonna buy you a mocking bird

And if that mocking bird don't sing
Papa's gonna buy you a diamond ring

And if that diamond ring is brass
Papa's gonna buy you a looking glass

And if that looking glass gets broke
Papa's gonna buy you a billy goat

And if that billy goat don't pull
Papa's gonna buy you a cart and bull

And if that cart and bull turn over
Papa's gonna buy you a dog called Rover

And if that dog called Rover don't bark
Papa's gonna buy you a horse and cart

And if that horse and cart turn round
You'll still be the sweetest little babe in town (be the sweetest litte babe)
Still be the sweetest little babe in town
La, la, la, la, la, la
Hush, little baby don't you cry 🎶"

She kissed my forehead and poked my tiny nose making me giggle uncontrollably "goodnight munchkin" she said and turned off the lights as I fell asleep

End of dream...

I woke up with a yawn and rubbed my eyes I saw soldiers walking past me 'was I really asleep for that long seemed but...the dream seemed so real' I thought to myself

"Fare thee well ogre" Fiona said "wait Fiona" I said "you can come with us cheri you can be my bridesmaid" Fiona said

I can tell from the look in her eyes she truly did love Shrek I sighed "I'll come" I said and followed after them

At farquad's castle...

I refused to be in a dress so I had dressed in a sort of dress like uniform that oddly looked like the uniform I wore when I was in red shoes and the seven dwarfs

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I refused to be in a dress so I had dressed in a sort of dress like uniform that oddly looked like the uniform I wore when I was in red shoes and the seven dwarfs

'Wait why am I thinking about that now stop getting distracted' I thought to myself as I saw Fiona getting fitted into her dress

"Your not wearing a dress?" Fiona said confused "I don't really like wearing frilly dresses well with an exception if it was my wedding" I said

Fiona chuckled half-heartedly I could tell she wasn't feeling very cheerful she certainly didn't sound like it "you ok Fiona" I asked

"Yeah I'm fine" she said I sighed "excuse me could you leave us to talk" I asked the maids they nodded and left the room

"You really loved him didn't you" I said "I don't know what you mean" she said holding a fake smile I heaved a deep sigh

I held out my arms and hugged her "it's ok I won't judge you even if you cry" I said as she hugged me and let the tears spill from her eyes

'She comforted me so it should be fair that I help comfort her' I thought to myself she pulled away from the hug wiping away the tears that were still leaking from her face

"Thank you I needed that" she said I gave a small sad smile "no problem" I said and walked over to the door to give her some space

I left the room and sighed 'playing matchmaker is harder than I thought and the boys won't be here until the wedding starts' I thought to myself

I groaned "hopefully I didn't change the plot too much in this because of my arrival" I said and rubbed the back of my neck

The door opened revealing Fiona who was in her wedding dress with a bouquet of flowers "ready" I said she nodded 'please hurry Shrek, donkey'

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