“That’s too many fucking pronouns. You can call me Katsuki, you know?” Bakugo said in response. 

“Okay, well, that’s good. I bet you guys want some… time alone, but if you need me, just call. And, help yourselves to any snacks if you need more.” 


“This place hasn’t changed a single bit since you were five years old, damn nerd,” Bakugo chuckled as they entered Midoriya’s bedroom. There were All Might posters plastered all across the walls, and various hero figurines scattered over all the shelves, and across his desk. There was dirty laundry piled on the floor, as Midoriya had not expected anyone to be in his bedroom anytime soon, Kirishima excluded (Midoriya didn’t quite care what state his room was in when Kirishima was over anymore). 

All three teens sat on the floor, continuing to eat the snacks that Inko had given them. 

“So, Katsuki,” Kirishima said, stretching out the end of Bakugo’s name. “Does this mean we’re boyfriends now?”

Bakugo froze, his half-eaten cookie just sitting in his hand forgotten as he looked up at Kirishima wide-eyed. “You’re…Okay with that? Even though you and Deku are already together?” He said, fully in shock.

“Of course we are!”

“Why do you think I called you my boyfriend earlier?” Midoriya added with a giggle. 

For the next few hours, Kirishima, Midoriya, and Bakugo, all sat together, talking. Midoriya and Kirishima had insisted on Bakugo playing the music, which he had reluctantly agreed to. They ended up mostly talking and catching up - they had been in school together for a whole semester now, but before now they had been more of acquaintances or whatever the hell was going on between Midoriya and Bakugo rather than close friends or anything of the sort. Then, they discussed boundaries, since Bakugo was new to the relationship. Then, there was the conversation Bakugo was dreading most.

“Katsuki.. I think we need to talk about it,” Kirishima said. Despite not saying what it was, everyone in the room knew what he was talking about (Not that Bakugo was going to willingly admit that).

“No we don’t. I don’t know what you’re talking about,” He responded, his voice heavy with resistance and reluctance. 

“Can you tell me - tell us - why specifically you don’t want to talk about it?”

Bakugo just stared at Kirishima silently, refusing to respond. Because I’m  scared you won’t care. Because I’m scared I’m too far gone for anyone to even help me. Because trying to get better and failing is so much harder and more pathetic than never changing. Because I’m scared it will make you hate me. Because I’m scared you guys will think now that we’re together I can just quit. Because I’m scared that if you guys see that’s not true, you’ll leave and I’ll be alone again. ‘Cause it makes me look weak - that all of this makes me look weak, he thought. But admitting that out loud would just make him seem even weaker, so of course, he wasn’t going to do that. 

When Kirishima saw that Bakugo wasn’t going to respond, he continued speaking, “We know it’s gonna be hard for you to get better, and that it’s not gonna happen overnight. We just want to do the best we can to help you through it, and we can’t do that without talking about it.”

“I can handle it on my own,” Bakugo retorted. 

“We believe you Kacchan,” Izuku said. (He did not believe him. If he could ‘handle it’ on his own, it wouldn’t have gotten this bad in the first place. But, Midoriya knew that telling Bakugo that wouldn’t do anyone any favors) “We just know it will be easier if we’re there to help. And we want to do that for you.”

“Whatever you say, damn nerd.”

The room went quiet again, and Bakugo started fidgeting with the discomfort of the practically soundless room. 

“Are you okay with me asking some questions?” Kirishima asked, breaking the silence.

“Fine whatever,” Bakugo mumbled. 

Midoriya scooted closer to him, grabbing his hand and beginning to rub comforting circles on the palm with his thumb. Bakugo had nearly pulled his hand away from Midoriya’s grasp, still afraid (though he would never admit it) of letting himself be so close to the boy. 

Seeing that Bakugo seemed comfortable - or as comfortable as he was going to get - Kirishima proceeded to begin asking a few questions. “Why… Do you think you began?” he asked.

“I don’t remember the first time…I think it might’ve been for control.. Or just to feel something..My parents didn’t help anything either obviously. At least my dad didn’t make it worse for the most part I guess…”

“How ‘bout any specific triggers you have, so we can avoid those?”

“If I screw something up.. Or if people think I’m weak.. Or if I find a new blade.. Or…” Bakugo’s voice trailed off. 

“Take your time,” Midoriya whispered, still caressing Bakugo’s hand in his own. 

“The- stuff- Just things that remind me of-” Bakugo tried saying, but he seemed unable to make a whole sentence out. 

“Things that remind you of what?” Kirishima asked gently. 

“Maybe later. Don’t wanna,” Bakugo mumbled out, barely audible.

“Okay, that’s okay, Kacchan, that’s okay,” Midoriya said, trying to comfort him and get him to calm back down. 

Kirishima scooted over to where Bakugo sat saying, “No more questions for now, okay? I know that was hard for you. Thank you for telling us what you can.”


wc: 1500

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