Torture Games

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Alert! This chapter contains of sexual violations. If you feel uncomfortable, please refrain yourself.

"Geez, that idiot suddenly leaving again without notice? Can I hit him just once?" complained Aether. Lumine tried to reach him, but all of her calls were missed. She put her phone on the table and turned to her twin.

"He didn't even answer my calls. Is he sick?"

"Or maybe his alpha came and dragged him somewhere far away only to fuck like rabbits?" he mocked while crumpling the papers. "Argh! I hate him!"

"Aether, try to call him."

"Why should I?" he barked. Lumine stared at him blankly, enough to scare his brother.

"Fine! Fine! Damn it," he surrendered and started to call him. 

"Hello?  Whom am I speaking here?"

The twins shocked enough to hear an unfamiliar voice from Ajax's phone, but Aether managed to collect his thought and asked him.

"Who is it? Where is Childe?"

He didn't utter a word, but they could hear he laughed a little.

"Childe, eh? So that's the name of this beauty orange baby? My, don't look at me with that fierce gaze, boy. Ah, sorry, sorry, I was distracted. You asked who am I, right? Hmm, what if I don't want to answer it?"

"You don't give me choices but to call the police, Sir," Aether replied.

"Ah, if I were you, I won't do that. You'll lead him to death," he threatened. The twins shivered, the cold sweat falling through their cheeks. He laughed happily and ended the call. They stared each other and bit lips.

"Now what should we do?" Lumine asked.

"Calling the police is not the option now, he gonna kill him instantly. Asking for help...who is capable to beat mafia. Wait, is he a mafia?"

While they were discussing on how to save Ajax, Zhongli just came back with new clothes and passed their table. Their troubled faces piqued his attention. He walked toward their table and greeted.

"Is everything okay?" 

They lifted their heads and turned each other, hesitated to tell their lecturer. He pulled a chair and sat with a sharp gaze. The twins panicked.

"Now tell me, kids, while I'm being nice here," he threatened. They shrunk and nudged each other to decide which one will spill the information.

"Ummm, someone seized the exchange student from Snezhnaya, Professor," Lumine quacked. Zhongli accidentally emitted his pheromones and scared all the people in the library, even the twins flinched and jumped back. 

"Ah, someone dares to seize that boy?" he asked. 

"Professor, please control your pheromones," Aether reminded. Zhongli let a sigh before stopping his pheromones. He pulled out his phone to reach him, but rejected after the first dial ring. He turned to Aether.

"Described the caller," he demanded.

"...a cheerful person, a man around 20 based from his voice," Aether replied. Zhongli clicked his tongue and walked away hurriedly. Lumine grabbed Aether's hand.

"Is he...Childe's alpha?"

"I'm afraid so."


Ajax was stayed in the dark for a long time, but a light came in, along with several shadows. He turned his gaze and stared. He hissed.


"Oh, boy.  A young, fresh omega for our party," shouted someone. The young man tried to move, but his body won't listen. One of them emitted his pheromones to dominate him, instead Ajax just stared him without even flinch.

"He's strong."

"But Barbatos wanted us to play with him, what should we do?"

"Let's release more pheromones to see his reaction," another said. They released the pheromones together, but he still calm as if nothing happens. He laughed.

"Heh, I'm used with alpha's pheromones," he mocked. They was furious and hit his handsome face.

"Wait, don't hurt him. If Barbatos knows, he will kill us surely."

"Hey, I have a good thing in my pocket," yelled someone while showing a small glass bottle with clear liquid inside. "Grab him for me."

Ajax tried to run, but they managed to hold him while cussing because of the young man kicking them. The man with that suspicious liquid came closer and forced him to swallow it in one try. He gagged his mouth to prevent him from throwing it up. After making sure he did that, he let him go. His face slowly turned red.

"Bastard! This...ngh!" he stopped talking as his body suddenly felt hot and his throat dried. "... aphrodisiac?"

"Ahaha, you're so smart, pretty boy. Come and shake that petite hips for us, bitch."

He struggled from the pain and immeasurable desires of his body, but his strength gone as if it evaporated when they touched him. He was panting hard, his sight blurry because of tears and sweats. They dragged him away and stripped his shirt to show his erected pink nipples.

"Hold his mouth, I want to try his mouth-pussy," one begged while unzipped his pants and showed his stench cock. Ajax tried to bite, but he managed to stuff it.

"Ahh, fuck. The best one," he complimented. Ajax felt suffocated, but he couldn't refrain himself from that nasty man who loved to fuck him hard. He grabbed his back head and thrust his hips violently. Ajax's voice drown as he tried to breathe, but the man didn't care about him. The rest started groping his body while taking off his pants too.

"Damn, he's wet. Let's fill him right now."

"I'll be the first!" yelled someone while taking out his dick. Ajax widened his eyes, but he couldn't ask help nor hit the rapist as he was in the weakest state because of the drugs. He remembered him, the alpha, his target. His mate. 

'Zhongli, help me.'


A lot of bodyguards lying down on the floor, their lives evaporated as the tall man shoot them violently right on their heads. He hurriedly strolled toward the aloof door in the corner and kicked it harshly. The short man with two braids and black beret smiled on his throne, his hand holding a sand clock. 

"Hello, Morax. I didn't remember you have an appointment today," he greeted. Zhongli squinted his eyes and pointed his gun toward him. The guards lined up to protect, but his voice cracked the atmosphere.

"It's okay, move. I want to see his desperate face right now."

At first, they hesitated, but seeing the turquoise braided man stared at them with killing intention, they retreated. He clapped his hands.

"So, what can I do for you, dear Mr. Rex Lapis?"

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