Chapter Fifteen - Niall

Start from the beginning

"Um, okay. What time do you think you'll be finished?" I looked at the time on the microwave.


"Okay. I'll see you then?"


The call ended and Harry walked in with bags of Chinese food and James walking next to him.

"Everything okay?" James asked while Harry took the plastic containers out of the bag.

"Yeah everything's fine" I smiled. Harry eyed me curiously. I shrugged in response. "What'd we get?" I changed the topic.

Harry went on to telling us what he had brought for us. We all plated up some food and ate and talked about each other and funny stories. Even my big transformation after Louis dumped me was brought up.

And finally I could leave. I was glad because Harry and James were eying each other off and wanting to do stuff. I felt sorry for Harry's roommate. She's going to have to deal with the two love birds having sex all night.

When I arrived at Louis's dorm he answered the door almost immediately. I could tell how much he liked me, and I was slowly getting there again I knew I was. Part of me didn't want to be back with him after the way he treated me, the whole bet thing, he was actually quite nice to me. Another part of me did want to be with him because he was nice and he is actually pretty much the only guy who has ever really taken notice of me. There is Harry but we were more friends then lovers.

Louis stood in his doorway, sweat pants and his old varsity jumper from high school. I smiled shyly because it took me back to when he took me out on our first date.

"I was thinking you weren't going to show" he said. His eyes bright.

"I don't lie" I said, and as soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them. I saw the look of hurt flash across Louis's face. "Shit, I didn't mean it like that" he sighed.

"It's fine" he forced a smile. "I knew what you meant" he stepped aside and let me in. I walked in. I liked Louis's dorm better than mine. His had a better atmosphere about it.

"Louis" I said and closed the door behind me. "I didn't mean it that way" he sighed. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into my own body. It was probably a silly move but, it felt necessary.

Louis moved into my body and relaxed. I gently rocked us side to side. He took my hands in his and this felt nice. I liked this feeling. But my stupid head pulled me out of it.

"So, what did you want to do?" I whispered in his ear. He turned around in my arms. I should have moved my arms away then, but they stayed on his hips. He looked up at me, looking like a little freaking school boy. I knew he was eyeing me off. I knew what he wanted, I wanted it too. The last time I kissed him it was over a month ago and I was drunk. So drunk I barely remember how good sex was with him, and I think I had him face on the bed.

"I, um. I-" he was stumbling over words and it was cute.

I don't know what was going through his mind but he tried to pull me from our spot. To his bed I assume, but as he did, we tripped over each other's feet and we fell. Him backwards, me on top of him. He landed with a thud, and I tried to keep myself from falling on top of him. I ended up landing with my hands either side of him and on him a little.

We both laughed at each other. I cupped his cheek and looked into his eyes, I was using the excuse of him hitting his head to look in his eyes. His beautiful blue eyes that held a green in them that sometimes gave the look of a sea green/blue and my heart melted at the sight.

He looked up sweetly, blinking occasionally. My heart was beating fast. Louis looked at my lips, then my eyes and back to my lips. I found myself leaning down to him, he was leaning up ever so slightly. I could feel his breath on my lips, I could almost feel his lips on mine. We were so close to kissing, but the door opened.

"Hey Lou-oh" I sat up quickly. We basically fell on the ground in between the two beds. "Am I interrupting?" Yes, you are. I was going to say, but I didn't.

"No, nothing" Louis smiled sitting up. "My back is actually really hurting" he told me. Zayn looked at me, but I waved it off.

"Well, I was just wondering if I could borrow some cash? I'm a little low at the moment and need it for" Zayn stopped. "That thing we talked about yesterday" Louis nodded.

"Yeah, there's some cash in the top drawer" Louis waved a hand toward his desk. "And don't get any ideas. I don't normally keep money in there" Zayn nodded and saluted then walked off and grabbed the money out the drawer.

"I'm picking it up and then going to spend the night with Liam, since you two are here" he smirked and left the room.

"Okay" Louis said and put a hand on his back. "My back is really sore" I frowned.

"You did fall pretty hard" he smiled. I knew he was thinking of a come back and I didn't know if I wanted to hear it.

"I did fall for you" that was the moment I should have kissed him hard. But I didn't. Instead I helped him up and into his bed. I joined him, it was a tight fit but with me on my side, back against the wall and Louis on his back, we made it work.

"You know. You are the cheesiest person I know" I told him. "I am falling for you again you know?"

He turned and looked at me. "I have noticed" he told me. "But I also know you're not ready yet"

"I am ready for one thing" he looked up at me, his damned eyes looking at me. "I really want to kiss you again" so, he brought himself up a little closer to me, I lightly grabbed his chin and pressed my lips to his softly.

Our lips moved slowly but magically. I forgot how amazing it felt to kiss him. He turned on his side as well, getting a better position to kiss me and it felt better, if that were possible. I let my hands tangle in his hair and he lightly groaned, but nothing grew heated. It stayed slow and innocent.

Louis pulled away first. "I really like you Nialll" he told me quietly. "I think I may love you" my heart stopped. I wasn't ready for love, like real love. I know that's what he meant. But I wasn't ready.

"I really like you" was all I could respond with. He smiled and nuzzled into my chest.

"Let's watch a movie. I miss doing that with you" I nodded.


A Longing Love 》Nouis Book 2 (#Wattys2015) ✅Where stories live. Discover now