Chapter three

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It's just been a year since Levi became part of our family. The dude's been through a lot so I don't blame for being so... reserved.

He's parents were in a mafia and apparently stole from a notorious drug Lord. They couldn't pay back the money in due time so they had to escape.

Six years old Levi couldn't keep up so the fools thought it would be best to just get rid him. Luckily, the drug Lord alerted the police... anonymously and saved Levi. But of course Levi had to work for him...for ten good years.

When he was sixteen, the drug Lord got arrested and Levi was freed coz he wasn't legal then. Then he resorted to stealing which was how my dad found him and brought him home. At that time he was seventeen. He told us his story and dang I really felt it. That's a harsh life to live.

Anyways we became best bros and he got an apartment, blah blah blah, he's coming to my school.

I got to the cafeteria an hour after calling Levi and my ears just kept getting fed.

"OMG he looked so cute. I heard he's new." A girl said. There's only one new person I know in this school. Levi

"I love his blue eyes. They looked so lost and emotionless yet deep and soothing" another said. Yep, that's Levi alright.

I went to go look for him then saw Blake talking to some dude.


I got closer but then Blake left... looking confused. Levi must have sassed him. He tends to do that a lot. But I, being my charming self, ran and jumped on him. He seemed shocked at first but calmed down after figuring out that it's me.

I wonder how he always knows. It must be my powerful men's deodorant. Anyways we walked to maths class and BOY were we late. But I don't mind. I love a good entrance.

Mrs Davis glared at us. If only looks could kill.
"Where are you boys coming from" she asked rather harshly.
Levi's not gonna answer so I do the honours.

"Well ma'am, my friend here is new so I had to show him around" I say nonchalantly.

"You must be Levi Anderson. Take a seat and no more interruptions."

Levi didn't answer but just went to his seat. Typical.

Fifteen minutes into the lesson, the doors swing open... dramatically if I may say so myself to reveal one this school's beauty queen, my dream wife,

Aurelia Brooks.



I think Jeremy should also be involved in something.
Anyways, here comes the fun part.

Enjoy. xx

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