Chapter 5: Mutant Crush

Start from the beginning

The crowd was mesmerized at this amazing show of strength and fortitude; no one could believe their eyes. Suddenly, Fred jumped straight up, pulling as he went. The monster trucks were pulled backwards as if Fred hauled toys instead of trucks. There was a crash as the trucks collided, and Fred landed right on them,one foot on each of the beds. His weight crushed the rear tires, causing them to pop and deflate, but he stood there unabashed. He was victorious. The crowd instantly stood up and cheered. Zang-Ching was clapping from the tunnel while Homara was smiling.

"Fred, seems to be happy." Homara said.

"Yes, but he has a horrible temper." Zang-Ching said.

Fred soaked up the glory and bowed to the cheer. Then suddenly because of his weight, he fell to the ground face first into the dirt. The crowd went from cheering to jeering. Logan and Jean were the only ones that didn't laugh at him. Fred picked himself up, barely containing his rage, and sulked out of the arena. Inside Fred's body, the scorpion was feeding on the raw power of Fred's anger as it started to change from blue to a light red.

In the Locker Room

Fred Dukes was furious, and he took it out the only way he knew how; tearing apart anything he could get his large hands around. THe table, chairs, even lockers, if he could grabit, he threw it. The walls were littered with fist-sized holes, but he showed no signs of slowing down. Every punch just fueled his fury, punctuated with cries of rage... and pain. He barely felt pain physically, but emotional pain was a very real thing to him. He had always been large, extremely large at that. As is so often the case, such obesity was the draw of attention of bullies everywhere.

Fred started to trashed the entire room all the while the scorpion was working overtime. He was punching several walls. He was about to punch another wall until he stopped. Fred turned around to see that Dakholme was walking into his room.

"Something bothering you?." Darkholme asked.

"These small town hicks! And you'd better get out of the way, because I'm ditching this stupid place for good!" Fred said.

The woman just smiled merely.

"That can be arranged, Mr. Dukes. In fact, I represent an organization where someone of your talents would be truly appreciated." Darkholme mentioned.

Fred scowled.

"Listen, lady, if you are with the circus, forget about it!' Fred said.

Raven didn't flinch, but only smiled bigger.

"Oh no, Mr. Dukes. I'm not thinking of using you for entertainment for the inept; what I have in mind is far more..." Darkholme said. "Care to hear more?"

Fred didn't reply right away. He had been made a lot of offers to showcase his strength--and the circus was certainly responsible. But this offer was different., and he didn't even know how to respond.

Little did they know that Zing Chang was listening to the whole conversation. He was rubbing his chin as he smirk because he knew that Fred's power could drive the scorpion to work overdrive.

Next Day, Bayville High

Cain was walking around the hallways as he was looking for Kitty. Then he stopped as he heard something...

"Hey, you! Do you know where I am supposed to be?" Fred asked.

Cain turned the corner to see that Fred was holding Duncan as he was shoving his school schedule in his face. Duncan wasl booking at Fred as he broke out in a grin.

"Try a side show." Duncan laughed.

Fred immediately saw red as the scorpion started to sting his brain.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2023 ⏰

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