Chapter 17

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[Time had passed, Mulan and Shang had been happily married for a bit over three years, their country was still at peace, they served the Emperor by training the imperial army and the palace guards as captain and general, their village loved them, and whenever they could, they would visit Mulan's family and original village. Their friends, Ting-Ting and Ling, Mei and Yao, and Su and Chien-Po had finally been married, but the emperor was still the ruler. Over those three years, Ling was trained on how to rule over a country as an Emperor since Ting-Ting was the eldest, she would take the throne by birthright, and would become the empress making him the emperor. Both Shang and Mulan ended up attending all of the engagement parties, bachelor's, bachelorette's, weddings of the rest of their friends, and other celebrations. Both Mulan and Shang were really happy but there was only one thing they were missing to complete their happiness...a child. Eventually, Mulan found herself gaining some weight and had been experiencing certain symptoms, so she went to her original village to visit her mother and grandmother]
{With Mulan}
Li: Hi, sweetheart, what a surprise, shouldn't you be at work at the palace?
Mulan: I know it was a bit unexpected, but I really needed to talk to you both, and yeah I should, but I told Shang that I wasn't feeling good, and needed a break
Grandmother Fa: Well, what is it, sweetie, what do you need to talk to us about?
Mulan: Well, I've been feeling kind of weird lately. I've been feeling kind of tired, kind of moody, certain smells and foods make me nauseous, and I think I'm gaining weight
Li: Oh dear, sweetie, have you missed your period?
Mulan: Actually, now that you ask me, yeah, I have, I was supposed to have it two weeks ago, but you don't think I'm...
Grandmother Fa: Judging by your symptoms, you might be pregnant, sweetie
(Mulan jumped up and squealed)
Mulan: I can't believe it, I'm pregnant, Shang and I are going to be parents
Li: Hold up, sweetie, just to make sure you are indeed pregnant you should see a midwife
Mulan: I'll go see the royal midwife tomorrow, where is baba?
(Her father went inside the house)
Fa Zhou: He's right here
Mulan: Baba
(She ran to her father and they embraced then she helped him sit down)
Fa Zhou: I was praying, so, what's going on?
Grandmother Fa: Your daughter might be pregnant
Fa Zhou: Really now? Well, that is excellent news
Mulan: I know, I am so happy, but just to make sure I'm going to see the royal midwife before I tell Shang anything
Li: Excellent approach, sweetie
Mulan: Let me help you guys out with dinner
Grandmother Fa: That would be lovely
[They all stand up and Mulan helps them around the house. After a few hours, they eat dinner]
{With Shang}
Servant #1: Good Evening, sir, welcome back home
Shang: Good Evening, good to be back
Servant #2: Dinner is prepared and ready to be served
Shang: Great, thank you, where's my wife?
Servant #3: She said she missed her parents and grandmother and decided to visit them. She said she would spend the night over there
Shang: Oh, well, ok then, how did she look? Did she look better
Servant #4: We'd say so, sir
Shang: Thank the ancestors
[He went upstairs, took off his uniform, washed his hands, and then went right back down. He ate dinner by himself and went back upstairs to his and Mulan's bedroom while the servants washed the dishes. Shang took a bath to relax and once he did, he let out all the servants and workers, and then he went back inside the house. Around nightfall, he got ready for bed and then went to go to sleep, but he didn't exactly fall asleep that easily. He was constantly tossing and turning]
(Shang sighed)
Shang's POV
I'm so used to having Mulan sleep in my arms, I miss her, I can't sleep without her, it doesn't feel right not having her sleep beside me
End of Shang's POV
{With Mulan}
Mulan's POV
I can't sleep...I miss Shang, I'm so used to having Shang sleep beside me, and me laying in his muscular arms as he wraps them around me, it doesn't feel right not having him sleep by my side
End of Mulan's POV
[Eventually, they close their eyes and drift off to sleep after they spend a good amount of hours tossing and turning missing each another]

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