Start from the beginning

His pupil snapped vertically and glowed in purplish colours. With these unusual eyes, he watched the aura line going in one direction. He followed it quickly.

About a few minutes later, he found a small road that was normally used by something.

"This looks like a... Horse carriage trace... Is it really a horse carriage? Seriously. Where exactly are we...?" Fariz was very confused.

To his understanding, the horse carriage was also used in their motherworld. But not many use it anymore unless necessary since their genius inventor has created a car engine to move from one place to another. Fariz found the trace similar to the old vehicles and it surprised him.

"So, this world has a living being. It's not that strange if I think about it. This world does have oxygen and substance for anyone to live." He thought quietly before he continued to run again.

He followed the carriage trails until he stopped suddenly with astonishment.

"Huh? What is a young man like you doing around here? Don't you know you are close to the Ethina Zone?" An adult man asked Fariz.

Fariz even understood the adult man's language because it was their motherworld language. Even the man looks human like him. Could it be that some people had travelled to this unknown world?

It was possible...

But, the attire of the man in front of him looks like the old attire belongs to his motherworld too. A traveller should have worn protective clothing since they don't know what danger can happen in this unknown world.

Yet, the man in front of him was wearing a farmer's shirt with loose pants. He really looks old-style without caring if this unknown world has danger or not. He even looked at ease like he had been living here for a very long time.

But, Fariz helmet data said this world was unknown which wasn't in their data of foundation. So, what's going on here?

"Hey, do you hear me?"

"Yes... Sir, can I ask you several questions? What is this world called?" Fariz needs some answers.

"Huh? Did you hit your head or something? How come your parents didn't teach you what the world calls? Ah, forget it. You're on Earth, young man. Now, hurry up and leave this place. Who knows what kind of creature is still lurking around here." The adult man said while looking warily around them.

"Earth?!" Fariz was shocked.

It has the same name as his motherworld. It can't be that he and Tarius appear in their home world. Because their location when fighting the enemies shows they were billions of miles away from their world.

"Hm? What's wrong?" The adult man realised Faris' expression turned pale.

"What, What date is today, sir?" Fariz couldn't help but stutter when he asked.

He was guessing something unbelievable but he wanted to know if his guess was correct.

The adult man sighed. He thinks Fariz does have brain damage or amnesia. He sympathises with him but at the same time feels funny about it. Since Fariz's face looked a little troubled, he still told him.

"Today's date if I'm not mistaken... It's Morph Year 373, August 21st..."

Fariz's eyes widened. God, it was true! His guess was true!

"This, This...! Oh my god! Did we...! Did we just travel...?! How can this be?!" His thoughts fall into turmoil.

"H, Hey... Are you alright? What's wrong? Are you sick or something?" The adult man asked worriedly when he saw Fariz step back and almost stumble.

"I, I'm fine. Sir, where are we?" Fariz still needs to know more information about this world and its situation.

He forces himself to calm down. Especially, when he needed to find Tarius later after he got some information from this adult man first.

"You didn't know this either? Young man, are you lost?" The adult man frowned at him.

"Yes, sir... I seem to not remember much about my surroundings. May I know where I am right now?"

Fariz had to think of something and he thought becoming someone who was lost and had amnesia would be more acceptable.

"God, what a poor child. You must have fought with a monster before and lost your memories. Damn that monster, he causes lots of damage to our world. Young man, we are near Bava Town. Do you remember this town's name?"

Fariz of course knew it but he answered with a shake of his head. His memories told him Bava Town was on the northwest of Luguom City where the main city of Dorothia Kingdom was located.

No wonder the adult man mentioned the Ethina Zone. He thought he misheard it at first. And after that, the adult man told him the exact location of Bava Town he knew.

The Dorothia Kingdom... This is their motherworld after all but... Also not the same one. Should he be glad they stumbled into this world or not?

"I wonder if the Bright Star users are in Luguom City or... Still in Antonia City..."

When he was thinking about how to get back home after finding Tarius, someone else appeared from a path near them. It was a man with short dark green hair and a height of 1.9 metres. All over his body-worn a dark attire like an assassin. His sharp silver eyes staring at the two with no expression.

"Uncle Leyn, what are you doing here? And who is this young man?" The man asked.

His eyes stared deeply at Fariz. Fariz's back sweats a little because he knew who this person was. He also was stunned in place because he didn't sense this person coming closer to them. Moreover, there was intense pressure coming at him from the man. It was like he was the man's target for a kill.

"Ah, Ledeigh. Are you on a patrol again? Thank you for your hard work." The adult man smiled at the man.

The man, Ledeigh, nodded at Leyn. Then, Leyn told him about Fariz and guessed that Fariz had amnesia. Ledeigh who heard his explanation narrowed his eyes at Fariz.

"Oh, really?"

He doesn't believe it at all. An amnesia person would not have calculating eyes like Fariz right now.

'This boy is lying...'

Ledeigh thought quietly. He also senses a different vibe coming from Fariz. He felt familiar with it but at the same time was not.

'Who is this boy?'

Frowning and checking out Fariz's attire, he thought Fariz was not someone coming from a poor or nasty background. There's a vibe of light that makes him remember the Bright Star users.

"Where are you from?" He asked because if Fariz lies that means he's going to be taken to jail instead.

"Sya, Syarantonia Kingdom." Fariz could feel the threatening gaze coming at him more deeply.

"Oh, you still remember your home kingdom but isn't that too far away from here? How'd you get here?" Leyn was amazed.

"Not sure. " Fariz had no choice but to lie but somehow he felt Ledeigh looking at him sternly.

"Ledeigh... He's someone I cannot lie to but it's better to keep a secret than jeopardise everything of this period of time. I need to quickly find Tarius. After that... Urgh, it seems I have to meet Tucana after all. Only she can help us." Fariz sighed in frustration while thinking quietly.

Ledeigh saw the troubles in Fariz's expression. He wondered what made the latter look like that. But, Fariz did lie again.

"Uncle Leyn, I'll take care of this boy. You better go back. Soon, it's going to be dangerous." He told him.

Leyn nodded in understanding. "Hope you recover from your amnesia soon. Do you remember your name?" He looked at Fariz.

"Erm... It's Ailel." Fariz didn't tell his real name for fear he might change more things around him.

Leyn nodded again. "Alright. See you around, kid."

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