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Their car was resting under tall and dense trees, on the periphery of the road. He kept watching the car clock flip while she had her eyes on the quiet and secluded road that looked no different than the dark sky above them. Abhimanyu was performing some neck stretching as he was tired of waiting for fifteen whole minutes.
"I say we return home and play safe", he kept glancing at his watch every minute.
"You don't have to be that paranoid. They can't do anything even if they find out about us", she said, sighing heavily. Even the air leaving her mouth was like the sound of heaven to him. He gave her a sly smile, moving his fingers in a walk towards her hand. As he laid his tiny supposed 'foot' on her hand, she turned around. He withdrew his fingers from her hand, and said in a nasal tone, "Oops, a mountain in my way". She smiled a bit.
"Nooo, that's a volcano! Can burst anytime, might just run", he retreated his fingers quickly. She started laughing as they created a fun moment in that silence of the night. Her twinkling eyes and a moon-shaded face at him snatched his heart the moment they both became serious. And silent again.

He was feeling thirsty for her touch, their proximity being so strong. The little light ahead of the driver's mirror suddenly fused. A sheath of warm air covered their bodies, yet their flesh turned goosey, as if they both just experienced each other's touch. Arshia felt an electric jerk down her spine, and her hand slightly moved. Right on top of Abhimanyu's hand. He suddenly burst out laughing, trying to hide the shyness that turned his cheeks red. Arshia could feel the rise in his body's temperature on her touch.
"I don't know why you are so good to me. I really have nothing to return", she said. He stopped laughing at once.
"Just don't ever go away, then you will have to return to me", he smiled. He said that for the sake of making some sense but she was somewhat sparked by his words. She herself was on a journey to discover the forever that everyone talked of. For some, this forever is constant and for some, it's variable. She wanted him to hold true for this value of forever.

"Are you free by any chance for tommorow?", She asked.
"You talk as if I work in a high grade company or something", he laughed.
"Still, you have a life too and I don't want to cast my problems completely on your personal life", Arshia said, her silence following those heavy words.
"Oh, so we have gotten personal too. I did not know", he bit his lip dramatically. Arshia rolled her eyes, a sly smile suppressed by her lips.
"Yes, not personal too. Too personal! I am afraid of.....well", she zipped her lips before revealing the words that always weighed down her heart. She was afraid of being dependent on a man for her happiness. Or the fact that anyone coming close to her always left a kind of attachment for her. In short, she was tired of endings and wanted to live a whole story.
"Even I don't think it's right to woo you in my love but if that happens, sorry in advance", Abhimanyu was vibing to the chilling song being played in the car, that he had intentionally switched on. Arshia seemed to have ignored what he said. His heart ached on her null reaction and he wondered how adorably surprised her face would've looked if those words were to strike her eardrums.
"My maid will come by 8 a.m. Nothing much to do, it's a weekend after all", he said. What he did not tell her was that he had all the time of the world for her. She whispered under her breath gruntingly that why he couldn't keep a male helper.
"Then, I want your help in something", she said.
"Take everything from me", he winked.
"Let's drive to Murugan's office", she said. He shook his head wondering if he heard her words wrong. Her face was stark serious. Until he agreed to it.

They parked in front of a huge iron gate, in front of which two men in black were watching over the grand office behind it. Their car was fortunately not in their line of sight, so they simply took past the office and halted at a distance. As he decelerated down, Arshia jumped out of her seat belt and flung opened the car door.
"Hey, careful!", He quickly held her arm before she could break her nose. The car had not stopped yet and it was only after he stopped the engine that he let go of her hand. How strange it was that he would always be there for her in every danger. Arshia flashed him a smile and shut the door back.
"I am going to meet him", she said.
"Seriously? Will they allow you at this hour?", His voice was almost a whisper even though they were quite far from those guards.
"Why are we here then?", She shrugged, shoving some sense in his head. "Don't worry, I have everything ready in my mind", she said and got out of the car. Before he could open his car door, his heart skipped a beat seeing Arshia's face pressed against his window. Like a psychokiller.
"You stay inside. I will go alone ", she said as he rolled his window down.
"That's ridiculous. What if he hurts you?", Abhimanyu tried to push the car door open but she was opposing it with her body.
"Ooh, you got quite some strength! You can smash me into a pickle", he sneered.
"Oh hello, I am not going to climb on top of you! And if you get out, I definitely won't spare you ", her deadly stare at him snatched all his strength.
"Alright, just please return soon or I will run out of breath", he said. Their eyes were hooked at each other with a thread of longingness between them. She passed her assurance to him through her hand that she kept on his hand.
"Now remove your hand or the glass will chop it in two", she said smilingly.
"First you....or nah, just don't, please", he said, pointing at her hand that was unwilling to detach from the touch of his skin. His low voice had that titillation dripping that turned her instinct moist.
The lingering touch on her mind made her so oblivious that she realised she was merely standing like a statue in the middle of the road. It was right then when a guard approached her saying,
"O madam, who are you?".

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