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        It was finally the weekend, an eventful week for the town of Hawkins, to say the least

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It was finally the weekend, an eventful week for the town of Hawkins, to say the least. Today had been Will Byers' funeral, taking place in the afternoon and most of the town of Hawkins showed up, wanting to support Joyce and Jonathan.

Isla had an empty feeling in her stomach throughout the day, not having spoken to Caity since their disagreement last Thursday, she had nobody to open up to.

It was a weird feeling bubbling up inside the blonde, she wasn't used to constantly feeling this on edge and it worried her. It made her constantly dig her nails into her palms and she felt a fever coming on from the stress alone.

Isla didn't like not feeling normal, and she supposed that's why she felt occasionally like throwing up or just crying, even if she wasn't directly involved. The air in Hawkins was different.

The Aldrich house home phone had rung, loud in the empty and echoing house. Isla snapped out of her daily reflection and her socked feet walked to the kitchen. The noise went to a silence as she held it up to her ear, "Isla?" A feminine voice asked, "Or, Mrs. or Mr. Aldrich?"

"Isla," She confirmed through the phone, "Who is this?"

A breath of relief was heard on the other side of the line. "Oh thank God, that would've been awkward talking to your parents. Anyways, sorry, it's Gwen, Gwen Duarte. I know we never talk outside of school but there's something just unsettling me since we saw Barbara Holland's parents. I was just wondering, since it was Will's funeral earlier, would you maybe want to go looking with me around just anywhere for Barbara?"

It confused Isla, honestly, as to why Gwen hadn't been able to stop talking about her disappearance since it occurred, but she was always willing to help. "I can, I have to get groceries later before my mom gets back, but after that I can meet at your house?" She suggested.

Gwen grinned, not like Isla could see it, "Thank you so much, Isla." After Gwen hung up, Isla debated letting Nancy Wheeler know of her plans, she could probably find the Wheeler number in the phone book, but a later thought was to leave her be unless they found something.

Isla figured it was best not too put off her errands any longer, seeing as she now had commitments later in the day. So now that's way she had just gotten back from, her arms brimming in discomfort from the weight of the grocery bags as she nudged her front door open to place them on the ground.

"Isla, you're home." The blonde jumped at the unexpected voice end she spun to face it, "I'm sorry I haven't been here this past week."

June Aldrich had come home, moving closer to Isla to take some of the extra grocery bags and the two began walking towards the kitchen. "It's alright, mom." Isla shrugged it off, "Did something else happen?

June shook her head, "No dear. I didn't even know the Byers' kid's funeral was today. I missed that, and I guess I'm tired of missing your life."

Isla knew her mom always tended to go on this same spiel every time she got home, so she never expected much. "Ma, if you're happy being with him, I'm glad you're spending time with him." She answered honestly, "I've been fine myself during these disappearings. I think I'm actually going out with Gwen today-"

WEST END GIRLS,, steve harringtonWhere stories live. Discover now