Drunk And Sort Of In Love

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"So...like...a make-out session or a 'I'm in third grade and you have cooties' kiss?" Frank took a bite of his apple, laying down on Gerard's bed. Mikey rolled his eyes, rubbing his forehead.

"Shut up, Frank!" Mikey threw a pillow at his brother's boyfriend.

Mikey Way was currently sitting cross-legged on his older brother's bed while said older brother and his wannabe-punk boyfriend laid against the pillows, smoking what was probably weed and eating. And he was also having an existential crisis about Pete Wentz. So, the usual.

"Don't do that, Mikey," Gerard drawled, throwing the pillow back at his brother. He blew out a puff of smoke, followed by Frank giggling as he took the blunt from Gerard's mouth.

"Ugh, Gerard, listen to me! He kissed me! Like, full on, 'total homo' kissed me!" Mikey's hands were now in air, Gerard giving Frank skeptical looks.

"Mikey, I'm pretty sure the whole football team has been - ah - 'total homo' kissed by Pete Wentz," Gerard said, grabbing the blunt from Frank's mouth. Mikey frowned, putting his hands back into his lap.

"But - but I really think he meant it! Like, actually meant it, you guys!" Mikey looked at the two older boys sitting across from him. Frank rolled his eyes, running a hand through his half bleached - half black hair.

"So did - oh what was his name - ?" Frank started, looking at Gerard. Gerard thought for a second, tapping his fingers on Frank's shoulder while he did so.

"Oh, oh - Gabe Saporta!"

"That's the one. Last year he and Pete had this thing, something about them 'getting married on a cruise ship while The Misfits played in the background' or something like that," Frank looked at Mikey, biting into his apple again. "Anyways, Mikey, I don't want you falling for a guy who's bound to be making out with some girl - or guy - at this very moment."

Mikey rubbed his face, pushing his glasses up his nose. He wanted to lash out on the two older boys and tell them that they were wrong. But he knew, deep down, that they were most likely - if not completely - right about the infamous Pete Wentz. He wasn't some steady sailor when it came to relationships.

"Oh, but Mikey, if you're sold on falling in love with Pete Wentz, there's a party tomorrow and he's bound to be there," Frank said, throwing his apple core into the trash can next to Gerard's bed.

"But - uh - what if my mom - " Mikey started, earning a disapproving look from his brother.

"Ugh, Mikey, tomorrow's Saturday. Mom's gonna be at some birthday party or some other shit. We're going. It starts at five, I'll drive us there. You're going."

"But, but I think I have some homework - "

"You can watch Lord of the Rings another day, you nerd."

* * * *

"I'm pretty sure he has Herpes, but don't tell her that," Frank whispered to Mikey as they spotted a couple making out against a tree in the front lawn. Mikey walked closer to his brother as they entered the party doors, instantly getting a whiff of the smell of alcohol, sex, and what seemed to be Axe body spray.

Mikey Way rarely partied. And when he did, he didn't do so with straight white Jersey boys who got drunk on Bud-Light beer alone. Music was pulsing through the walls, red Solo cups were being passed around, bodies grew more sweaty as they danced against one another, and Mikey Way was in the middle of all of it.

"Be safe and don't drink anything anyone offers you," Gerard said in his brother's ear, walking off hand-in-hand with Frank. Dammit.

Mikey looked around him. He was only here because of Pete Wentz. Pete Wentz who was probably shit-faced drunk by now. Who was probably giving head to Herpes Guy by now. Who was standing ten feet away from Mikey, laughing with Ray and another guy Mikey didn't know.

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