We're Not Gonna Make It

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"Pete Wentz doesn't fall in love with people," Frank stated as he listened to Mikey Way drone on and on about Pete Wentz while he leaned against his locker. Mikey rolled his eyes and gripped his English textbook tighter.

"Shut up, Frank. Besides, I never said he - or I for that matter - had fallen in love with anyone," Mikey defended as he started walking to his class. Frank sighed as he followed the younger and lankier Way brother.

"Oh please, you fell in love with Pete as soon as you laid eyes on him Freshman year," Frank drawled as he walked fast to keep up with Mikey. Yet again, Mikey rolled his eyes.

"I don't love Pete Wentz and he doesn't love me."

It was more like Mikey was reassuring himself more than Frank. He did, in fact, love (or at least like) Pete Wentz, yet he was pretty sure that the love was not returned by the older boy. And he didn't need Frank Iero, his brother's incredibly short boyfriend, rubbing that in his face before fourth period.

"Keep telling yourself that, bud," Frank said, smirking as he walked off to God know where. Probably to smoke underneath the bleachers like the wannabe-punk kid he was.

* * *

"So was it like a make-out kiss or a no homo kiss?" Gerard pushed his brother to talk as he ate his third snack bag of Cheetos. Mikey glared at his brother from across the lunch table.

"It was a 'Hey, I'm probably just kissing you to get you into giving me more bass lessons' kiss," Mikey spat at his older brother.

"Chill out. And don't get so offended, I mean, even if he's just wanting lessons, that's more time with the infamous Pete Wentz right?" Gerard stated as Mikey threw his apple core at his brother's face. Gerard grimaced, swatting the apple core away.

"Guys, cut it out!" Ray interrupted. As much as he cared about Mikey, he knew that Mikey had set his hopes up for them to be crushed. Not that he would tell Mikey that or anything. "I'm sure Pete will tell you if he likes you or not."

Frank giggled as grabbed onto Gerard's arm. "Tell that to the dozens of guys and girls he's given head to."

Mikey flipped Frank off, picking up his apple core and throwing it in the nearest trashcan, completely done with anything and everything to do with Pete Wentz.

"What the fu - " Mikey yelled as he was knocked to the ground. He straightened his glasses as he focused on who he'd ran into. For fuck's sake.

"Hey, Way." Pete offered a hand to Mikey, to which Mikey ignored and got up by himself. Maybe it was rude, but Mikey didn't want to deal with Pete if he was just going to get a one night stand with him. Well, maybe he'd do that - but still.

"Hey, Pete," Mikey mumbled, not knowing whether to stay or run away to a nearby classroom.

"When can I come back over?" Pete asked, stepping closer to the younger boy. Mikey bit the inside of his mouth.

"U - uh I don't know. I mean, my mom has this thing she's doing with the church on Saturday so maybe then but I don't know if Gerard and Frank will be at my house and I don't want to hear their - er - activities so - "

"Calm down, Way. I'll come over on Saturday, m'kay?" Pete smiled as he passed by Mikey, brushing his hand on Mikey's, causing Mikey to blush harder than he should have. One minute he hated the sarcastic, sexual emo and the other minute he loved every inch of him. No in between.

* * *

"So no sex and if you want to have it, do it at Ray's house - "


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