Arising Suspicions

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After a few minutes, I decided that I was ready to leave again as long as Celci and Mark were there in case my mental stability suddenly dropped for any reason.

When we were with the rest of the crew, I noticed the others were all staring at us. Whispering.

Mark must've sensed that I was uneasy because he gave me a firm, reassuring squeeze on my hand. "You alright?" He whispered to me.

"Don't you see it?"

"See... what?"

"They're all staring at us, whispering about us. I feel like I did something wrong. I mean, I did do something wrong. I used you. I mean..." I put my face in my hands.

"Hey. Do you wanna go back? Are you gonna...?"

I put my hands down. "Yeah, no, I-- I'm okay."

"Hey, Captain!" One of the crew members said with a cheery, yet concerned smile.


Another crew member past me with the same smile. "How are you, Captain?"

"Don't do that! Please, I..."

"Captain, are you sure you don't want to go back?" Celci asked.

"No, I'm fine! I'm fine! I..." I suddenly got lightheaded and dizzy. I touched a hand to my forehead. "I don't think I'm fine, anymore..." I grabbed onto Celci for support.

"Captain?" Mark helped support me as he held me upright. "You alright?"

Celci also helped hold me upright. "What's wrong? You're..." She felt my forehead and her face grew concerned.

"I think I want to go back..." I said as I tried to stand up on my own.

"Well, I'm gonna make you go back anyways, because you..." I couldn't hear her, anymore. I tried to pay attention, but I couldn't. It felt like forever until I was able to snap back to reality. "Captain, are you even listening?"

"I'm trying... I can't... Let's just... go back..." I realized everyone was there and staring at me. My stomach turned. "N-no..."

"Captain?" One of the crewmembers said.

"S-stop staring... Please..." That's the last thing I remembered before I blacked out.

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